台灣現今經濟產業脈動,為了滿足投資人多元投資需求,政府促使隨著海外企業積極上市 於台灣自由的資本市場,加以區別台灣證券市場相較於他國的競爭力及海外企業願意進資台灣的原因。因此,政府積極推動第二上市且發行台灣存託憑證(簡稱TDR)和外國公司來台第一次上市(簡稱F股)。
With the drastic changes of the economic development in Taiwan, the diversified investment has become a management issue of increasing concern. Taiwanese government encouraged overseas enterprises to list in Taiwan stock market, and to face with the international competition. Recently, Taiwanese government has adopted a series of reform policies to attract foreign enterprises (included Taiwanese-owned enterprises listed abroad) to reconsider Taiwanese depositary receipts (TDR) or IPO (F stock).
This study attempts to compare the differences of market reaction of TDR and F stock during the period 2003-2015. Moreover, these sample data are used to examine there exist significant abnormal returns and to investigate whether these explanatory variables are associated with observed cumulative abnormal returns using cross-section and quantile regression. Evidence shows that both TDR and F stock have significantly AR, and after quantile regression analysis, it is found that there are significantly influence of three variables that included debt ratio, Taiwanese companies and electronic technology stocks. This finding perhaps can be a basis reference for market participants in decision-making.