摘要: | 本研究旨在瞭解與剖析大學生對性別平等認知與身體意象之看法,以及探討不同「個人背景因素」對大學生性別平等認知與身體意象之影響。希冀本結果能提供學校及教育相關單位,在規畫與實施性別平等與身體意象教育時之參考。本研究係採「調查法」進行資料之蒐集,並以「分層比例抽樣」之方式,抽取臺北地區420位大學生為調查對象。實得有效問卷401份,有效回收率達95.48%。本研究所採用之研究工具包括:「個人背景資料調查表」、「性別平等認知量表」與「身體意象量表」。施測所得資料以統計套裝軟體SPSS for Windows 22.0進行結果分析,分別以描述統計、單一樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、薛費事後比較法、皮爾森積差相關、強迫進入法多元迴歸統計方法加以分析。主要研究結果如下:1.大學生之「性別平等認知」略傾向於平等與正確之狀況。其中,以「居家生活上的平等」層面認知程度為最高;而以「生理上的平等」層面認知程度最低。2.大學生「身體意象」略傾向於「正向與滿意」之狀況。其中,以「外表取向」層面之正向與滿意程度最高,而以「外表評估」層面之正向與滿意程度最低。3.大學生「性別平等認知」會因「性別」、「是否習修性別平等課程」及「是否修習過情感教育課程」之不同而有顯著差異。4.大學生「身體意象」會因「戀愛經驗」及「分手經驗」之不同而有顯著差異。5.大學生整體「性別平等認知」與「身體意象」間未達顯著相關。然而,在性別平等認知與身體意象之各層面上發現:當大學生之性別平等認知愈趨平等與正確,其對「外表評估」就愈負向與不滿意,但在「外表取向」及「對體重看法」上就愈趨正向與滿意。根據研究結果,建議大學生宜持續加強與提升個人性別平等之觀念,積極參與和性別平等及身體意象教育相關之課程或講座;學校宜更落實性別平等教育與身體意象教育,開設性別平等和身體意象教育相關課程與講座,以提升學生性別平等與身體意象之觀念。
The purpose of this study was to understand and analyze the college students' awareness of gender-equity and body image and the associated factors. The findings of the study could provide the resources to college students, parents, school educators and related education institutions when executing gender-equity and body image issues. In this study, survey method was conducted and the target population was the college students in Taipei area. 420 samples are obtained by stratified quota sampling. The procedure used a reliable and valid self-report questionnaire to collect data for this study. Stratified quota sampling was used to draw a sample. 401 (95.48%) students completed the questionnaire with valid responses, therefore, non-response error was minimal. The research instrument include: "Personal Background Scale, PBS", "Gender-Equity Awareness Scale, GEAS", and "Body Image Scale, BIS". Data were analyzed by SPSS 22.0 version: descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe's method, and Pearson product correlation. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Students' gender-equity awareness tended to "less equity and appropriate" situation. 2. Students' body image tended to be positive and satisfied. 3. There were significant differences between "awareness of gender-equity" and "personal background factors" (gender, gender equity courses, and affective education courses) for college students. 4. There was an significant difference between "body image" and "personal background factors" (love experiences and breakup experiences) for college students. 5. There was no significant positive correlation between "gender-equity awareness" and "body image" for college students. According to the findings of this study, researcher suggested that the college students should strengthen their awareness of gender-equity continuously; participate courses or workshops related to gender-equity and body image. Moreover, school should have courses or workshops related to gender-equity and body image for college students, in order to strengthen students' awareness of gender-equity and body image. |