本試驗之目的係探討在肥育期白羅曼鵝與華鵝血液脂質濃度與屠體總脂肪塊重量之變化與相關係數之比較。以白羅曼鵝與華鵝為試驗動物,採平飼,每欄各30隻,公母各半,3重複。全期之飼料與水採任食。鵝隻飼養至10、11、12、13、14及15週齡時,每一時間點,每欄取樣4隻,公母各半,每一品種分別採取鵝隻12隻,共24隻,經採血後屠宰以供測定血漿總膽固醇及三酸甘油酯濃度及取出體內總脂肪塊,稱量其重量。試驗結果顯示,白羅曼鵝體內總脂肪塊之相對重量隨週齡之增加而增重(P < 0.05),然而雌華鵝卻呈現下降之趨勢(P < 0.1)。雖白羅曼鵝總脂肪塊蓄積大於華鵝,但血漿總膽固醇及三酸甘油酯濃度在品種之間無顯著差異。雄與雌白羅曼鵝血漿總膽固醇及三酸甘油酯濃度與週齡無線性之變化,但華鵝三酸甘油酯濃度卻隨週齡之增加呈現線性下降之趨勢(P < 0.1)。雄與雌白羅曼鵝及雄華鵝之體重與總脂肪塊相對重量顯著的正相關(r = 0.45, 0.52 與0.45; P < 0.01),雌華鵝血漿三酸甘油酯濃度與總脂肪塊相對重量亦有顯著正相關(r = 0.36; P <0.05)。綜合上述,在肥育期白羅曼鵝脂肪蓄積能力大於華鵝,用鵝隻體重當作預測白羅曼鵝及華鵝的總脂肪塊相對重量勝於血漿總膽固醇及血漿三酸甘油酯濃度。另外,僅雌華鵝血漿三酸甘油酯濃度可作為預測其體內總脂肪塊相對重量蓄積能力。
This study was conducted to compare the change and correlation coefficient in plasma lipid concentration and total fat pad weight for White Roman and Chinese geese during finishing period. Thirty of day old White Roman and Chinese goslings (half male and half female) were kept on floor in each pen, 3 replicates for each species. Feed and water were supplied ad libitum throughout entire experiment. At 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 wks of age, 4 goslings (half male and half female) were taken from each pen (in total of 24 goslings), recorded for body weight then bled for plasma triglyceride and total cholesterol concentrations analysis. Afterward, the birds were sacrificed and total fat pad were removed and weighted. Results indicated that the relative total fat pad weight in White Roman geese increased as age increased (P < 0.05), whereas the female Chinese geese showed a decreasing trend (P < 0.1). Although the total fat deposition in White Roman geese is greater than that of Chinese geese, the plasma total cholesterol and triglyceride levels showed no significant differences between them. There was a linear trend of increase with age in plasma total cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations for the male and female Chinese geese, as compared to White Roman goose in which no difference was found. There was a significant positive correlation between body weight and relative total fat pad weight for male and female White Roman geese and male Chinese geese (in order of r = 0.45, 0.52 and 0.45; P < 0.01). Moreover, there was also a significant positive correlation between the concentration of triglyceride and the relative weight of total fat mass for female Chinese geese ( r= 0.36; P < 0.05). In conclusion, the fat deposition capacity of White Roman geese is greater than that of Chinese geese. The body weight of the geese were of more value in predicting relative total fat pad weight than were the plasma total cholesterol and triglyceride concentration measured. It is possible that the fat deposition capacity can be predicted by the plasma triglyceride concentration in female Chinese geese during finishing period.