本文以阿里山鄒族特富野社的傳統祭儀homeyaya為田野調查主軸,欲深入探討其儀式所顯現出來的族群文化,從其儀式過程及禁忌表現可以得到族群文化的概況,但在調查中更發現若僅由homeyaya的儀式過程而言,諸多儀式行為則應有其延續性,而非專屬於該儀式的專有過程,當再進一步詢問報導者時,報導者的回答多指向播種祭的程序及相關禁忌,因此「messi no ton'u」的概念可能是此問題點最合裡的解釋,「messi」係指儀式,「ton'u」係指小米,而「messi no ton'u」指的是小米儀式,其中應包含miapo(播種)及homeyaya(收穫)兩個過程,因此當談論homeyaya的儀式時,不妨從整體性的角度切入,需一併探討miapo,因為這兩個祭儀環環相扣,指向同一個緣由,不應以主流社會目前將其二以切割方式分類或僅述其一(homeyaya)而忽略源頭(miapo)的方式來探究。
This article Inspection the traditional rituals (messi no ton'u) of the Tsou in Alishan Tufuya tribe, and penetrate deeply discussion of the ethnic culture revealed by the ritual, Also found that the overall ceremony is not a period of time, It should be continuous in the year, Therefore, it is not possible to study only with a single ritual, (miapo and homeyaya), It should be combine two ceremonies, and Take a full millet ritual observation (messi no ton'u) is more complete.