摘要: | 隨著網路科技之應用發展,群眾募資(Crowdfunding)於過去幾年堪稱一股潮流,致使企業募資有嶄新的詮釋與另種募資選擇,具體而言,即促使企業許多原始產品之創新想法,有其發展或完成的機會。本研究以群眾募資產品案件作為研究情境題材,目的為探究產品設計、期望結果、品牌態度與產品購買意圖之間之關係,具體而言,本研究審視群眾募資產品之產品設計(美學、功能及象徵主義)、期望結果(實用結果期望及享樂結果期望)對品牌態度之影響,進而對產品購買意圖之影響。本研究以網路問卷方式進行調查,以一般大眾為受訪對象,並採用便利抽樣蒐集資料,總共回收有效問卷353份。接著,透過SPSS AMOS 21.0從事結構方程模式分析及假說檢定。本研究結果發現美學、實用及享樂結果期望對品牌態度具有顯著正向關係,進而顯著正向影響產品購買意圖,而功能及象徵主義對品牌態度無顯著正向關係。此外,本研究亦證實品牌態度於象徵主義、實用結果期望及購買意圖之間具有完全中介效果,於美學、功能、享樂結果期望及購買意圖之間具有部分中介效果。最後,依據這些研究發現,本研究提出實務意涵、研究限制及未來研究方向。
With the development of Internet technology, crowdfunding has become a trend in the past few years. Crowdfunding intrigues new interpretations and alternative fundraising options for corporate fundraising. Specifically, crowdfunding prompts the innovative ideas of many primitive products have the chances to be developed or accomplishment. This study uses crowdfunding projects as the materials for exploring the relationships between product design, expected outcomes, brand attitude, and purchase intentions. Specifically, this study examines the influences of design of crowdfunded products (aesthetics, functionality and symbolism) and expected outcome (utilitarian outcome expectations and hedonic outcome expectations) on purchase intentions. This study conducts an online questionnaire survey and interviewed the general public. A total of 353 valid questionnaires are collected by using convenient sampling. Next, this study uses SPSS AMOS 21.0 to conduct structural equation model analysis and hypothesis testing. The results of this study discover that aesthetics, utilitarian and hedonic outcome expectation have a significant and positive impact on brand attitude, and in turn, affects purchase intentions; whereas both functionality and symbolism have no significant and positive impact on brand attitude. In addition, this study also confirms that brand attitude fully mediates effect on the links between symbolism and practicability and purchase intentions. Additionally, brand attitude partially mediates the links between aesthetics, functionality and hedonic outcome expectations and purchase intentions. Finally, based on these findings, this study proposes practical implications, research limitations, and directions for future research. |