本研究主要的目的在於探討母品牌態度與聯合品牌態度之關係:品牌意識之干擾效果。以虛擬的鮮果汁運動飲料作為聯合品牌產品,研究程序分為預試和主研究兩階段,預試目的在於篩選出正式實驗所需之6個母品牌(3個鮮果汁品牌及3個運動飲料品牌以組成聯合),預試回收有效樣本為40人。主研究階段時,以虛擬情境搭配廣告傳單來操弄自變數,採用3(鮮果汁品牌)×3(運動飲料品牌)的組間因子設計,共9種情境,每一情境樣本數40人,回收有效樣本共349人。研究結果顯示,(1)母品牌態度正向影響聯合品牌態度;(2) 高品牌意識的消費者相對於低品牌意識的消費者而言,母品牌態度對聯合品牌態度的影響較沒有影響。本研究討論發現在理論及實務上的意涵,並對未來研究方向提出建議。
The main purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between the attitude toward parent brand and co-brand: the moderating effects of brand consciousness. This study included a pretest and a main study. A fictitious sports drink with fresh juice was used as the co-branded product. The purpose of pretest is to select co-branded product and 6 core brands (3 fresh juice brands and 3 sports drink brands) which were suitable to be used in the main study. The usable samples for the pretest consisted of 40 participants. The main study included 3 (fresh juice brands) × 3 (sports drink brands) to construct 9 scenarios of various co-brands. Each scenario was assigned to 40 students. The data were provided by 349 students. The results reveals that (1) attitude toward the parent brands positively affected affects attitude toward the co-brand; (2) For consumers with high brand consciousness in contrast to those with low brand consciousness, the positive effect of the attitude toward parent brand the co-brand is not stronger. This study discusses the implication in the theory and in managerial practice, and suggestions for the future study.