使用鎂型金屬有機骨架(Metal-Organic Framework(Mg), M050)和其複合式材料氫氧化鉀/鎂型金屬有機骨架(KOH/M050)、奈米金/鎂型金屬有機骨架(AuNPs/M050)滴定於聚酯(PET)塑膠基板上製備可撓式阻抗型濕度感測器。加入不同濃度的KOH和AuNPs利用材料之間不同的特性來改善其傳導行為,再探討與不同材料之間對於濕度感測和折疊的差異性。
M050和他的複合物KOH/M050 、AuNPs/M050滴定在PET塑膠基板上製備的感測元件使用電子顯微鏡(SEM)、原子力顯微鏡(AFM)、紫外光可見光光譜儀(UV-vis)、紅外光譜儀(FTIR)觀察材料的表面微結構及材料結構。就實驗結果得知,加入0.05M所製備的複合式材料KOH/M050整體而言,材料對於濕度反應具有高靈敏度、線性良好、濕滯情況佳、較短的反應時間的反應特性,並在材料的可撓性上得到良好的彎曲折疊行為。強電解質(KOH)的水合能力對於高濕和低濕的反應特性,再由阻抗頻譜圖分析材料的傳導機制。
A commercial metal-organic framework (MOF) of Basosiv M050 and its composite materials of KOH/M050 and Au nanoparticles/M050 (AuNPs/M050) were coated on a polyethylene terephthalate(PET) substrate to form novel flexible impedance-type humidity sensors. The electrical properties of M050 added with various amounts of KOH or AuNPs were examined in detail as a function of relative humidity (RH), to explain the contribution of the KOH or AuNPs to the humidity-sensing (linearity and sensitivity) and flexibility properties. M050 and composite materials of KOH/M050 and AuNPs/M050 films coated on PET substrates were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), UV–vis spectroscopy and infrared spectrometer. The sensor that was made of KOH/M050 film with 0.05 M added KOH exhibited the high flexibility, greatest sensitivity, acceptable linearity, fast response time, low temperature-depended coefficient and long-term stability. The humidity-sensing mechanism of the KOH/M050 film was explained using complex impedance spectra.