摘要: | 摘要
台灣亞斯伯格症族群(ASP)人口根據衛生福利部統計截至2017年止,已佔台灣總人口數約13905人,而新北市及台北市加總占人口數約6228人約45%。而聯合國在2008年公布"殘疾人權利公約"(The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities),重申普遍人權基本原則,並定於每年的4月2日為世界自閉症日(World Autism Awareness Day)。亞斯伯格症族群(ASP)除了社交、語言及行為等三種特徵外,還會有感官障礙與本體感覺問題;而亞斯伯格族群跟高功能自閉症和自閉症的不同是,一個能具有語言社交功能,統稱為泛自閉症類群障礙,但還是具有自閉症的特質。而對於該族群最重要的是,生活居住空間環境中的影響與如何適應,本研究重點聚焦在台灣的,亞斯伯格症族群空間現況調查研究,並整理國內外文獻,並提出空間設計規劃策略。
According to the statistics of the Ministry of Health and Welfare in Taiwan, the population of Taiwan’s autism accounts for about 13,905 Taiwan’s total population as of 2017, while the total population of New Taipei City and Taipei City plus 6428 people is about 45%. In 2008, the United Nations promulgated The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, reaffirming the universal human rights basic principles, and is scheduled to be World Autism Awareness Day on April 2 of each year. Apart from the three characteristics of social, language and behavior, autism also has sensory and proprioceptive problems. The difference between Aspergers and high-functioning autism and autism is that one can have language and social functions. They are collectively referred to as Autism Spectrum Disorder but still have autism. For the most important part of this autistic group is the influence and adaptation of the living and living space environment. This study focuses on the investigation of the spatial status of Aspergers in Taiwan, and collate domestic and foreign literature, and proposes a spatial design plan and strategy.
At present, the collection of documents at home and abroad has been perfected in space literature abroad, and this space is also known as Sensory Friendly Design, Friendly Design of Autism, Architecture of Autism, and Interior Design for Autism. This study uses a questionnaire survey and expects to visit 7 foundations and other 17 sub-organisations attached. In addition, the Aspergers population has been interviewed with an online questionnaire because of the confidentiality of sensitive medical data. The results have been collected 21 valid questionnaires, male to female ratio of 1:2, parents and Asperger's syndrome accounted for the majority of the questionnaire; other in order for the foundation and associations and teachers. The major items of the questionnaire include the core projects of questionnaires composed of spatial organization and sensory perception, building material equipment and material texture, social interaction participation, care methods, safety, problem discussion and action plans.
According to the results of the questionnaire survey, the space status of Asperger's syndrome group is safe, and space organizations and sensory perceptions are considered by most respondents to be important items. In addition, caregiving methods and social interaction participate in the juxtaposition. Material textures are currently relatively scarce projects. As a whole, the current situation in Taiwan does not have a definable method and rules for assessing spatial design. It can help the Aspergerian community spatially integrate with special education and functional treatment and apply it to the real space of living and living space. The plan has room for further research and development. Therefore, this study proposes the consolidation of the spatial characteristics of Asperger's syndrome (ASP) schools and early-care centers in various countries, provide follow-up related to Taiwan researchers reference, to help the population can have a better living space.
Keywords:Autism Spectrum Disorder;Asperger Syndrome;Sensory Friendly Design;Autism Friendly Design;Architecture of Autism;Interior Design for Autism