台灣銀行業整併之探討:模糊德菲法之應用=Investigation of Merging and Acquisition of Taiwanese Banks: Application of the Fuzzy Delphi Method -- 差異化管理對台灣與日本銀行業成本效率之影響=The Impact of Differentiated Supervision on the Cost Efficiency of Taiwanese and Japanese Banking -- Financing Instruments and Strategies of Agribusiness: Evidence from Taiwan -- 台湾におかる農業金融改革の背景と課題=An Investigation to Taiwan's Agricultural Finance Reform and Future Challenges -- 原住民授信風險之探討:Logistic 迴歸模型分析=Studies on Loan Default Risk of Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan: Using Logistic Regression Analysis -- 由台灣上層農業金融機構看農業金庫之發展與挑戰:兼論對中國農業金融發展之建議=The Development and Challenges of the Agricultural Bank of Taiwan and the Suggestions to the Agricultural Financial System in Mainland China: the Upper-tier Agricultural Financial Institution's Point of View -- 台灣農業金融改革經驗與經營績效現況研析=A Research on Reformation Experience and Operation Performance of Taiwan Agriculture Banking System.