在目前的昆蟲課程中,由於昆蟲本身體型、活動力及地點和季節的限制,阻礙了讓學生能夠近距離觀察的機會。因此在昆蟲的成長歷程與外型構造上經常產生混淆,而虛擬實境(Virtual Reality)能打破時間與空間的限制,讓學習者能以強調互動與探索的方式進行學習,頭戴式裝置的普及更能貼近真實的情境,讓學習者能沉浸在學習的環境當中並提高學習興趣,但研究發現虛擬實境仍須搭配適切的教學策略才能將其優點發揮,而探究式教學著重以學生進行探究活動為中心,與虛擬實境著重沉浸式的探索環境相輔相成,因此本研究目的即為運用探究式教學的5E學習環結合頭戴式虛擬實境,提供適合學習者進行探索的昆蟲學習系統,藉以提升國小學生的昆蟲教育成效,除了比較學習者接受昆蟲教育前後對於知識方面的增進程度之外,並進一步比較在此虛擬實境學習環境中的心流程度、認知負荷的差異與學習經驗。
In current curriculum, the limitation of location, season, and appearance of insects eliminate students to observe the insects closely. The students usually are confused with insects’ appearance and growing process. Virtual reality remove the limitation of time and space and facilitate students to learn and explore more actively. The head-mounted devices provides a more immersive environment for students to enhance their learning motivation. Studies found appropriate pedagogy should be integrated into virtual reality. Inquiry-based learning emphasize students’ exploration and could be parallel with virtual reality in exploring. In this study, 5E learning model and head-mounted virtual reality will be combined to improve insect education and further compare their flow, cognitive load and learning experiences.