摘要: | 大氣與水文科學研究均需仰賴大量觀測與模式資料進行分析與驗證,故自2011年起,颱洪中心承接大氣研究資料庫,並於2015年新增水文觀測資料並以大氣水文研究資料庫改版上線。颱洪中心任務之一即為建構整合研發服務平台,支援學術研究,故希冀透過此一資料庫之維運,永續提供學研相關單位於大氣水文研究資料之需求。大氣水文研究資料庫現有之國內外相關單位資料包括:ECMWF、NCEP、JMA、中央氣象局、民航局、環保署及空軍氣象聯隊等14個單位,並彙整颱洪中心歷史觀測與系集模式資料,目前所收集之資料量超過13TB,各式圖片、文字檔與原始檔之總筆數約有三千萬筆。為了提高服務績效,每年亦定期進行ISO認證、滿意度調查,以確保資料庫運作順暢,並達到推廣大氣科學研究的目標。本年度工作重點如下:-收集ECMWF 及 NCEP 網格之大氣資料 -收集天氣圖、衛星雲圖、雨量圖及氣象局測站資料 -收集氣象局、民航局及空軍氣象聯隊雷達資料 -收集環保署空氣品質測站資料 -收集空軍機場地面資料 -收集各國颱風路徑資料 -彙整大氣學門各類觀測實驗資訊-提供颱洪中心各儀器觀測資料、系集模式資料-加強及改善自動化資料存取系統 -改善資料庫網頁及線上服務系統之內容 -提供網路上免費氣象網格資料及觀測資料下載服務.
Data analysis is one of the essential components for meteorology research, so the data bank service for the community is very important. One of the missions of TTFRI is to serve as a platform for academia, so we started to maintain the data bank since 2011. To service both meteorology and hydrology community, we added the hydrology data. In 2015 the website had remodeled and change the name to “Data Bank for Atmospheric and Hydrologic Research (DBAHR).” The DBAHR aims to promote atmospheric and hydrologic research through excellent data service. The continuous collection of grid data (e.g., ECMWF and NCEP analyses) and weather charts (e.g., CAA and JMA) in the past decades have made the DBAHR become an important data centers in Taiwan. In the coming year, the DBAHR will continue data collection and service, and emphasize data collection related to mesoscale research in the vicinity of Taiwan area (e.g., Doppler radar data from CWB, CAA, and CAF; automatic rain gauge; upper-air sounding; and surface station data)The primary tasks of the data center for the coming year include:-Collect, process, and archive the ECMWF and NCEP global grid data; -Collect, process, and archive the CWB observation station data, daily rainfall charts, satellite imagery and weather charts. -Collect, process, and archive Doppler radar data from CWB, CAA, and AF; -Collect Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) station data. -Collect station data from Republic of China Air force. -Collect typhoon track data from each unit (JTWC, PAGASA …). -Collect the experimental data from the previously filed campaign.-Provide TTFRI observation data and TAPEX historical data.-Provide data and services to the atmospheric research community.-Enhance and improve the data archiving and retrieving system. -Improve the webpage of DBAHR. -Provide free data download service and consulting. |