摘要: | 本計劃的目的在延續本人科技部105專題研究計劃,運動員心理能量:概念化、測量編制、與實證研究。(行政院科技部104專題研究計劃,計劃編號: MOST 104-2410-H-179-009)。該研究初步成果先後發表在泰國和韓國國際研討會(Lu, 2017 a, b),獲得亞洲暨南太平洋運動心理學會(Asian and South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology, ASPASP),泰、馬、韓、日、大陸等,理事會委員的熱烈討論。申請人便思考深入探討此一議題在不同文化的差異研究。第一年擬採用經驗取樣法(Experience Sampling Method, ESM)各抽取35位泰、馬、台、大陸的大學運動員長期追蹤一個月內,生活、運動訓練和比賽時心理能量波動的經驗。第二年擬以申請人現階段透過質與量化研究編制出來的六因素34題版,『運動運動員心理能量量表,(6-factor, 34-item Athletic Mental Energy Scale, AMES)』進行五個國家跨文化的比較,並檢驗AMES的信度與效度,包括: 因素結構、內部一致性、測量不變性、和校標關聯效度的驗證研究。
The aim of this project is to extend my former project entitled “Athletic Mental Energy: Conceptualization, Measurement Development, and Empirical Study (MOST 104-2410-H-179-009). I have presented this project's results on recent international conference in Thailand and Korea which received much attention from Thailand, Malaysia, Korea, Japan, and mainland China who are the MC members of the Asian and South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology (ASPASP). This project plans to recruit 35 college student-athletes from Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, Korea, and China, and to examine their subjective experiences of the athletic mental energy by Experience Sampling Method (ESM). In the second year, this project plans to examine the psychometric properties of the newly developed Athletic Mental Energy Scale (AMES, Lu, 2017b) in Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Korea, and China including factorial structure, internal consistency, measurement invariance, and criterion related validity. |