本研究計畫旨在探討《朱子家禮》在韓國與越南的傳播,並比較兩國所受《朱子家禮》的影響差異,藉此從東亞的視域深化《朱子家禮》的歷史定位。《朱子家禮》作為朱子學實踐於日用倫常的指導書籍,對東亞世界儒者影響極大,其中在以朱子學為官學的韓國和越南尤可能產生重大影響。本研究計畫預計期程為兩年,第一年著重從書籍史的面向探討《朱子家禮》在韓越流傳與接受」,第二年著重比較韓越在地傳播管道形成的影響差異,同時關注儒教儀禮與韓越在地思想的交涉。 針對《朱子家禮》的朝鮮影響,林慶彰曾將《朱子家禮》評為對朝鮮最重要的書。流傳版本方面,盧仁淑考證朝鮮普及之《朱子家禮》為《性理大全》版,本研究計畫在此一基礎上,擬進一步探討《文公家禮儀節》與韓國禮學家著作的關係;越南版本方面,申請人發現越南極為普及的《壽梅家禮》中,即附有「文公婚禮」,此書極可能為《朱子家禮》喪祭文本在越南流傳的媒介,本研究計畫已獲同意使用「許燦煌文庫」尚未公開之現存最早《壽梅家禮》及越南唯一中國本《文公家禮儀節》。在韓越《朱子家禮》流傳路徑與影響的比較方面,朝鮮《性理大全》版《朱子家禮》的流傳和影響已知乃由官方到民間,並入為國法;而越南《朱子家禮》的傳播方式將透過《皇朝律例》和民間各種家禮文本加以考察,並比較韓越兩國《朱子家禮》之儒教喪祭與當地其他思想產生的交涉型態。
This research project aims to examine the dissemination and influence of the Zhu Zi Jia Li in Korea and Vietnam. As the instruction manual of the practice of Zhi Zi’s neo-Confucianism in daily acts and family relationships, Zhu Zi Jia Li had a profound influence on Confucians in the East Asian world; in particular, it might possibly have produced tremendous influence in Korea and Vietnam, both of which had made Zhu Zi’s neo-Confucianism their state orthodoxy. In regard to the influence of the Zhu Zi Jia Li on Korea, Lin Ching-Chang once rated the Zhu Zi Jia Li as the most important book to Korea, while Lu, Ren-Shu, through textual study, confirmed that the Zhu Zi Jia Li that was popular in Korea was of the Xing Li Da Quan edition. This is closely linked to the spread of the Xing Li Da Quan in Korea and Vietnam investigated by this applicant in a previous project of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Compared to Korea, the research by the academia on the reception of the Zhu Zi Jia Li in Vietnam remains at the initial stage, possibly because there is no trace of the Zhu Zi Jia Li in existing Vietnamese literary sources. However, this author found that the “Wen Gong Sang Li” is attached to the highly popular Shou Mei Jia Li in Vietnam; it is highly likely that this book was the medium through which the funeral text of the Zhu Zi Jia Li was spread in Vietnam. As to the evidential research on the origin of this version, neither the Institute of Han-Nom Studies nor the National Library in Vietnam has the China version of Zhu Zi Jia Li to this date. Nonetheless, this applicant discovered in the “Xu Can Huang Collection” that houses Vietnamese literary sources the Wen Gong Jia Li Yi Jie, which was acquired in Central Vietnam and was publicly used in a folk village. This study aims to explore the way Zhu Zi Jia Li was spread in Vietnam by comparing the related materials above. In Korea, the spread and influence of the Zhu Zi Jia Li of the Xing Li Da Quan edition took the route from the officials to the people. This research will examine the way of dissemination of the Zhu Zi Jia Li in Vietnam that seemed to lay greater stress on the people, and compare the influences the Zhu Zi Jia Li produced in both Korea and Vietnam.