香港雖近在咫尺,但其教育制度與升學機制對臺灣的教育界而言卻有天涯之遙,反而不若有千里之遠的美國、英國來的熟悉。 本文擬先透過對香港各級教育制度的現況介紹,再結合近年來香港考試改革的動向與做法,希望能使讀者對香港升學機制有較為全面的了解。 作者大致由三個面向探討香港升學機制的現況:重視菁英教育忽視普及教育、關注英文教育漠視中文教育、注重文法教育輕忽職業教育。
This article tried to introduce the educational systems and school situation in Hong Kong, and connect the tendency of currently examinational reforms. The re- searchers hope to make all the readers understand the Educational Selection Mechanism in Hong Kong more completely. According to the results, conclusions about educational selection mechanism in Hong Kong would be offered as follows: 1. Discourse among elite education, mass education and quality education. 2. Dilemma between examination and contest. 3. Negotiation between instruction in English and Chinese.