摘要: | 目的:旨在探討大專公開組甲一級男子籃球運動員懸掛式上膊與其他專項體能表現之相關性。方法:以28名大專公開組甲一級男子籃球選手為研究對象。檢測運動員的懸掛式上膊、前蹲舉、背蹲舉、仰臥躺舉、坐姿體前彎、原地擺臂垂直跳、最大努力垂直跳、3/4球場衝刺、禁區敏捷測驗(lane agility)、T測驗、邊線至邊線(sideline to sideline)連續衝刺共計17趟、籃球場底線(baseline to baseline)連續衝刺共計10趟測驗之表現。以描述性統計方法(平均數 ± 標準差)呈現受試者基本資料;採皮爾森相關積差(Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient)分析各項體能檢測指標間的相關程度。統計顯著差異值設為α = .05。結果:一、懸掛式上膊表現與基礎資料中,僅與年齡成正相關;就專項基本運動能力而言,懸掛式上膊與前蹲舉、背蹲舉、仰臥躺舉、原地擺臂垂直跳和最大努力垂直跳呈正相關。二、懸掛式上膊與其他專項運動能力,如禁區敏捷測驗、T測驗及四分之三球場衝刺達負相關。三、懸掛式上膊與專項體能(邊線4 x 17趟及底線4 x 10趟)之間的關聯性,統計顯示皆呈負相關。結論:一、本研究顯示,懸掛式上膊表現與身高、總體重和除脂體重無相關性,但可能與其技術操作熟練度、肌力訓練經驗及個體肌力發展有關。二、下肢肌力、上肢肌力、爆發力、敏捷性、速度、專項體能越佳者,其懸掛式上膊表現則越優。
Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between hang clean performance and specific physical fitness in men collegiate basketball players. Method: 28 collegiate basketball players (age: 19.3 ± 1.3 years, height: 185.5 ± 6.3 cm, and BMI: 24.2 ± 2.47 kg/m^2) were recruited to be the subjects and tested for 1. one repetition maximum (1 RM) hang power clean, 2. specific fitness: front/back squat, bench press, power output during no-step vertical jump and maximum vertical jump, T test, Lane test , 3/4 court sprint, and flexibility as well as 3. specific motor test: 4 × 17 s and 4 × 10 s anaerobic ability. In addition, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient between measurements were calculated among all subjects (n = 28). The significant difference was set as α = .05. Results: First, there were significant positive correlations between hang clean and most of combinations of specific fitness, such as age, front and back squat, bench press, no-step vertical jump and maximum vertical jump in all subjects. Second, the negative correlations was shown between hang clean and T test, Lane test, and 3/4 court sprint. Third, it also appeared the negative correlation between 4 × 17 s and 4 × 10 s anaerobic ability and hang clean. Conclusion: First, it revealed that hang clean performance is not relevant to height, total weight and even net weight; however, it was speculatively due to the effects of personal skills and techniques affecting hang clean performance. Second, it seems that the better results in upper and lower limbs strength, power, agility, speed, and the specific fitness a basketball player owns, the more excellent in the hang clean performance a player performs. |