振動刺激能夠快速有效增進下肢肌力與爆發力,而人體對其反應,尚有許多值得探討之處。本研究目的是希望瞭解不同運動形式運動員於不同頻率刺激下的振動強度的主觀知覺強度;以及脛骨粗隆、肩峰和頭部的加速度是否會有不同。研究方法:受試者共分成三組分別為中國武術(N=25人)、角力柔道(N=12人)及舉重健美組(N=15人),使用Dactron Photon Ⅱ頻譜分析儀及四個加速規擷取加速度訊號,ANOVA單因子變異數分析考驗三組間的差異。結果如下:自我知覺強度部分舉健美組在12、16、20、24和30Hz顯著大於中國武術組和角力柔道組。在脛骨粗隆處的加速度最大值,舉重組在5、9、16和20Hz顯著大於中國武術組和角力柔道;肩峰處三組間沒有差異。頭部加速度最大值方面,舉重健美組在12、16和20Hz顯著大於中盛武術組和角力柔道組。結論:運動員自我知覺振動強度和振動平台與頭部的加速度值間是具有相同的趨勢,自我知覺強度可以做為人體對外界環境干擾的一種指標,不同運動型態的運動員對於振動刺激感受強度與身體反應(脛骨粗隆和頭部加速度)在20Hz持有明顯不同。但應對於不同運動型態的運動員身體組成、下肢肌力與勁度進行更深入的研究,以便釐清究竟是何種原因造成這部分的差異。
Using whole-body vibration to improve the strength and power of leg is very popular in recent years, but there were few researches to touch the human response to vibration in athletes. Our purposes want to understand the response of the different sport type athletes during varied frequencies of whole body vibration. Did the response wil1 change by the different sport type athletes? Methods: We used Dactron Photon Ⅱ to collect four accelerometers' data which placed on platform, tibial tuberosity, shoulder and head. The rating of perceived exertion scale of Borg's 10 points was used to record the feel of subject at each frequency. ANOVA was used to compare the independent variables between Chinese Martial Arts (CMA), wrestling & Judo (WJ), and weight-lifting (WL) groups. Results: On the perceived exertion, the weight-lifting was significantly higher than CMA and WL groups on at 12, 16 & 20, 24, 30Hz (p<.05). WL was significantly higher than CMA and WJ groups at 5, 9, 16 and 20Hz on the maximal acceleration of tibial tuberosity. WL was significantly higher than CMA and WJ groups at 12, 16 and 20Hz on the maximal acceleration of head. There was no significant on shoulder among three groups. Conclusion: The perceived exertion scale, acceleration of platform and head have same trend, so the Borg' scale could be an index of strength. The response of perceived exertion, acceleration of tibial tuberosity and head were varied among three different sport type athletes at 20Hz. But the leg of strength and stiffness among three sport type athletes need more research to find the mechanism to confirm the real reason.