本研究的目的,是用攝影法分析四名大學甲組排球選手(身高185.7±6.2cm,體重 75.1±3.2kg,年齡20.3歲)在前排長攻及快攻扣球的二度空間運動學參數的差異性。本研究採用速度60張/秒的攝影機,拍攝及記錄全程動作過程。用影片控制器、影片編輯器及486個 人電腦來分析影片。 資料處理採用重覆量數 t 考驗,比較長攻及快攻扣球的差異。結果如 下:一、在助跑期中,長攻扣球的身體重心助跑末速顯著大於快攻扣球;下肢踏入角度顯著小於快攻扣球。二、在起跳期中,兩種扣球在起跳時身體重心的合速度並未有顯著的差異。但長攻扣球在起跳時的身體重心水平速度顯著大於快攻扣球,而身體重心的垂直速度則顯著小於快攻扣球。長攻扣球在下蹲時踝關節角度顯著小於快攻扣球,髖關節角度顯著大於快攻 扣球。長攻扣球在起跳離地瞬間踝、髖關節的角度顯著小於長攻扣球。三、在空中動作期中,長攻扣球在起跳時身體重心的垂直位移顯著小於快攻扣球。在擊球時,長攻扣球和快攻扣球之間,在球離手速度、擊球時手指與肩關節之距離及球離手角度並沒有顯著的差異。
The purpose of this study is to analyze the kinematics difference between the volleyball long (LS) and quick spike (QS). Four collegiate volleyball players were the subjects. Their height, weight, and age were 185.7 ± 6.2cm, 75.1± 3.2kg, and 20 years respectively. One Panasonic AG-450 video camera operating at 60HZ was used to record the spiking action. One Panasonic AG-7300 video recorder and one 486 PC were used to digitize the data. A paired test was used to test the significance at .05 level. The results are listed as follows:(1)During the approach, the LS was significantly greater final velocity of body CG than the QS, and the LS had significantly smaller leg angle than the QS. (2)During the takeoff, the resultant velocity of CG was no significant difference between the LS and QS, but the LS was significantly greater horizontal velocity and significantly smaller vertical velocity than the QS. The LS was significantly smaller ankle and significantly greater hip angle than the QS at crouch, and the LS was significantly smaller ankle and hip angle than the QS at takeoff. (3)The LS was significantly smaller vertical displacement of body CG than the QS, and the ball's release velocity, ball' release angle and the distance from finger to shoulder had no significantly difference between the LS and the QS at spiking.