研究之目的在建立射箭運動的定性分析模式,並從完整的模式中有系統的檢視 運動表現。本研究針對國立體育學院運動技術學系射箭隊林宜螢的射箭動作進行定性分析。 透過影帶翻拍為相片,再觀察相片中之動作,利用模式中的每一個要素對運動表現加以檢驗 及指出錯誤,並對選手提出改進的建議。本研究之結論及對選手之建議如下:一、持弓手的 穩定與否對於箭射出之後的高低將造成影響。因此,加強持弓手的基本動作練習,以穩定前 手 (持弓手 ) 的基礎,如此整體的穩定性更會加強。 二、練習頭部位置的三度空間感覺, 透過肌肉感覺、輔助器材或教練的口語指示,再加以重視頸部的重量訓練,將可有效地訓練 頭部的固定位置。三、當在作固定動作時,拉弓手的手肘位置的三度空間感覺需再加強,以 避免右手手肘過度抬高。四、在作伸展動作時,手掌的前伸力量上移到虎口位,改變持弓手 的力點到虎口位置。
The purpose of this study was to establish the archer's shooting form by biomechanical analysis model to inspect the subject's performance. The subject of this study was Yi-Yin Lin, the student of NCPES. The subject was filmed by high-speed camera, and transferred into pictures with Sony Cvp-3. Incorrect movements are found out and evaluated on the basis of this model for improvement in order of priority. Base on the result of the study, suggestions to this shooting form are proposed as follows: 1.The high or low of arrow impact was influence by bow hand's stability. 2.Through the coach's verbal, assistant equipment, muscle's feeling and neck's weight train will improve head's position. 3.During the anchoring motion do not raise the arrow hand's elbow. 4.During the banding motion, the force of bow hand has to move to the point between the thumb and the index finger.