舉重項目是以分量級的方式進行比賽,選手挑戰的目標為槓鈴之重量,在1984年美國洛衫磯奧運會中為我國爭取到一面男子舉重銅牌,進而刺激了國內舉壇的風氣,也為國內的女子舉重運動開創了新的里程碑。本研究目的根據六位女子舉重選手不同的臀位抓舉動作資料進行分析。本研究方法以國立體育學院舉重隊六名優秀女選手為受試者,進行抓舉高、低臀位動作之生物力學分析,是採用Peak Performance System軟體,參考胡德貴(1994)研究的肢段重心位置百分比資料(簡稱CT法)與關節點之定義方式,輸入後求得童心與各關節點之數據資料。其所獲結論如下:一、在各動作階段中,高臀位選手伸髖較大,伸膝較小且伸踝也較小。低臀位選手則是伸髖較小,伸膝與伸踩較大。二、三位低臀位受試者槓鈴與身體重心之距離較為穩定,身體重心有重疊之現象,而高臀者身體重心較前傾。三、高、低臀位選手槓鈴垂直速度上顯示出高臀位選手在「快」原則方面表現得較低臀位之選手來的好。
he Prepartion Stance is the base for a good weight lifting start-up, and the hip high determine the biomechanics element of the start-up and the skill there after. Six elite athletes from the National College of Physical Education and Sports weigh lifting team were used to study the effect of high and low hip start-up position. The Movement Skill Observation Model was used to analyze the preparation, lift off, knee, and push off stages. The high-speed camera (Panasonic AG456) and the Insole (EMED Pedar) measuring system were used to collect changes of the skill and the plantar pressure. The results were as follow: 1. High-hip technique produced larger hip extension, and smaller knee and ankle angle. 2. The low hip technique exhibits stable displacement between barbell and the athletes' CG. 3. No noticeable differences were found between the high and low hip techniques for barbell backward-forward displacement.