本研究之目的在探討高爾夫擊球前之準備動作—試揮習慣(preshot routine)對於初學者推桿練習效果之比較。幷且探討試揮習慣對於初學者心理之影響,以作爲爾後敎學之參考。受試者爲國立雲林技術學院四年制三年級男、女學生(平均年齡23.2±1.8)共87名之初學者。實驗分成兩組:試揮組與控制組。試揮組在第一週即敎導推桿前的試揮習慣,所有試揮習慣均依固定之步驟實施,控制組則禁止在推桿之前作試揮的動作。受試者每人每週練習18球(約十分鐘)之後,在距洞口15呎的地點向洞口推桿6次,在球靜止後,依給分方法登記成績,累計6次成績之總和作爲該週的學習成績。經六週的敎學練習,結果發現:㈠試揮組第三周即有顯著練習效果,控制組第四周即有顯著練習效果。㈡經六周的推桿學習,有試揮習慣者推桿練習效果優於無試揮習慣者。㈢有試揮習慣者其高爾夫學習態度優於無試揮習慣者。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of preshot-routine on learning golf putting and the influence of preshot-routine on psychological factors. Subjects were 87 juniors average age=23.3±1.8 who were studying in National Yunlin Institute of Technology in the fall of 1994. There were two groups in this experiment: preshot group and control group. Students practiced putting ten minutes per week and then tested six trials. After six weeks instruction, subjects received Golf Learning Attitude Questionn-aire survey. The results indicated that:
(1)There was a significant effect of learning golf putting for subjects with preshot-routine.
(2)The preshot-routine group was significantly better then control group in psychomotor skills.
(3)There were no significant differences between the two groups in the psychological factors such as imagery, confidence, attention, anxiety and social facilitation.
The results above showed that preshot-routine was one of the necessary skills in learning golf putting. Students who learned the method of preshot-routine would perform better in golf putting skills and psychological factors than those who did not learn preshot. Teachers shoud emphasize consciously the effects of preshot-routine when teach beginners learned golf putting skills.