本研究的目的,在探討以漸增強度運動測驗的臨界負荷,與換氣閾値及個體無氧閾値的差異與相關情形。受試者為體育系學生共18名,年齡21.60±2.20歲、身高172.80±3.10公分、體重69.30±5.30公斤,受試者分别接受二次的漸增強度腳踏車運動測驗,其中一次開始負荷為80 watt、每三分鐘增加30 watt、運動至衰竭,以測量受試者的換氣閾値與個體無氧閾値,再配合另一次開始負荷為30 watt、每分鐘增加25 watt、運動至衰竭,來測驗受試者的臨界負荷。研究結果發現,漸增強度運動測驗之臨界負荷(193.17±44.36watt)與換氣閾値(183.17±25.39 watt)沒有顯著差異,但是顯著大於個體無氧閾値(157.78±29.15 watt)。漸增強度運動測驗之臨界負荷與換氣閾値、個體無氧閾値均達顯著相關(0.626與0.642)。由於漸增強度運動測驗是目前評量無氧閾値的最主要方法,透過類似測驗方法所得的臨界負荷與無氧閾値的顯著相關,更進一步確認了臨界負荷評量無氧閾値的有效性。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the different and relationship between critical power (CP)、ventilatory threshold (VT) and individual anaerobic threshold (IAT) for exercise test of gradual increasing load. The subjects were 18 male college students from department of physical education, age of 21.60±2.20 years, height of 172, 80±3.10cm, weight of 69.30±5.30kg. All subjests participated two exharstive cycle test. One started 80 watt, increased 30 watt per 3 minutes, to measure VT and IAT. Another started 30 watt, increased 25 per 1 minutes. Use these two exercise test to measure CP. The results found that CP (193.17±44.36 watt) was not significant different from VT (183.17±25.39 watt), but CP was significant more than IAT (157.78±29.15 watt). The corelation of CP and VT was 0.63, the corelation of CP and IAT was 0.64, they all are significant. This study suggested that CP for exercise test of gradual increasing load is valid to predict AT.