本研究的目的在於比較電針刺激手三里穴與電針刺激非穴位及 無刺激時,在等速向心收縮之肱二頭肌與肱三頭肌之肌力與肌耐力 效果的差異情形。受試對象為國立臺灣師範大學體育系男生,共15 名志願參與本研究者。利用Cybex 6000等速肌力測量儀測試非慣用 手屈伸時,肱二頭肌與肱三頭肌的向心肌力與肌耐力。等速向心收 縮按60°/s與300°/s的速度順序實施,各種速度測驗兩回合,其 反覆次數依序分別是三次與三十次。各種測驗速度之間,休息一分 鐘。回合之間以平衡次序進行電針刺激穴位、電針刺激非穴位和無 刺激等三種實驗處理。非穴位點避開人體的經絡,做為雙手三里穴 的對照位置。電針刺激採用SU-608型電針儀,所輸出的脈衝電是一 種連續交流脈衝,每次刺激持續10分鐘(12伏特;100Hz)。所得 資料採用單因子重複量數變異數分析處理。研究結果顯示,100Hz 的電針刺激使60°/s的肱二頭肌最大力矩由40.73Nm增加至44.50Nm Nm(增加9.01%),肱三頭肌最大力矩由43.20Nm增加至49.53Nm (增加14.65%)。結果亦顯示,100Hz的電針刺激使300°/s肱二 頭肌肌耐力由66.07Nm增加至73.47Nm(增加11.20%),肱三頭肌肌 耐力由82.13Nm增加至92.40Nm(增加12.50%)。結果顯示,電針刺 激顯著增加等速肌力與肌耐力。為電針刺激在動態力量訓練中的應 用提供了實驗依據。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of lectroacupuncture of Shou San Li(Li-10) on isokinetic muscular strength and endurance. fifteen university physical education majors were recruited as subjects. Each subject was applied with electroacupuncture on Shou San Li, on pseudo locus, and with no stimulation respectively. Pseudo locus was located 2 cm beside the points of electroacupuncture locus. Before evaluation of muscular performance, electrical stimulation (10 minutes; 100Hz) was induced by a SU-608 electroacupuncture machine. Isokinetic muscular strength and muscular endurance were evaluated by Cybex 6000 Extremity System with velocities of 60°/s and 300°/s. one-way ANOVA with repeated measures was applied for data analysis. The results of this research showed that EA stimulation OF 100Hz on Shou San Li(Li-10) significantly increased muscular strength and endurance. The results suggest that EA stimulation is effcetive in increasing muscular strength and endurance. and could help athletes to increass muscular strength and endurance.