摘要: | 本研究目的在探討8週有氧性運動訓練並結合相同飲食控制減肥計畫的介入,對高中超重女生血清Leptin濃度的影響。受試者為10名健康且未接受過運動訓練的高中女生(平均年齡16.23±0.27歲、身高160.20±4.01公分、體重62.60±3.23公斤、BMI 24.39±1.10㎏/m2)。全體受試者同時接受8週的跑步運動訓練(每週3次,每次30分鐘,運動強度為50﹪~70﹪HRRmax),和相同的飲食控制(平均每日攝取1398±123 Kcal,營養成份蛋白質佔17.03﹪、脂肪佔17.72﹪、醣類佔65.22﹪),並在實驗前、中(第28天)、後三個相同固定時段(早上9:00~9:30)各接受一次抽血,並測量體重、BMI、五部位皮脂厚度和腰臀圍比值,藉此觀察受試者血清Leptin濃度和身體組成的變化情形。研究結果如下:(一)全體受試者在經過8週相同的實驗處理後,體重平均減少5.30±1.36 kg (降幅8.46﹪),BMI平均減少2.20±0.51㎏/m2(降幅8.97﹪),五部位皮脂厚度總合平均減少31.20±6.90㎜(降幅22.92﹪),前中後三次測量值之間均達顯著差異水準(p<.05)。(二)受試者在8週減肥計畫介入期間,血清Leptin濃度並未持續的下降。前測至中測期間,Leptin濃度下降了58.55﹪(從14.24±5.86 ng/ml 下降至5.502.41 ng/ml,p<.05);但中測至後測期間,Leptin濃度卻不降反升,上升幅度達66.74﹪(從5.50±2.41 ng/ml回升至8.51±3.37 ng/ml),並達顯著差異水準(p<.05)。結論:受試者在8週減肥計畫介入過程中,血清Leptin濃度並未隨著身體脂肪質量( body fat mass )的遞減而持續下降,這可能意味著長期有氧性運動訓練,將有助於提升肥胖基因( ob gene )的表現和Leptin濃度的分泌,而有利於長期減重效果的維持。然而,有關運動訓練增加肥胖基因表現的機轉,仍有待更進一步的研究。
The objective of this study was to examine the effects of an 8-week weight loss program, consisting of aerobic training and dietary intake control, on leptin concentrations in blood serum and changes in the body composition of overweight female high school students. The 10 subjects of this study were healthy and untrained [age 16.23±0.27, height 160.20±4.01cm, weight 62.60±3.23kg, Body Mass Index (BMI) 24.39±1.10 kg/m2]. The subjects underwent an 8-week program which consisted of jogging [30 minutes, 3 times/week, intensity = 50%~70% Maximal Heart Rate Reserve (HRRmax)] and identical diets (1398±123 Kcal/day, 17.03% proteins, 17.72% fats, 65.22% carbohydrates). Blood serum specimens were obtained three times-on day 1, day 28 (midway through), and on the final day of the experiment respectively, between 9:00~9:30 AM. Subjects were measured for body weight, BMI, body fat percentage, five-point skinfold, and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR). Research results: 1) After 8 weeks, all subjects lost 5.30±1.36kg (8.46%) of body weight, ave. BMI dropped 2.20±0.51kg/m2 (8.97%), and five-point skinfold decreased 31.20±6.90mm (22.92%) overall. There were significant differences in the findings (p<.05) of the measurements taken in the three different periods. 2) Leptin concentrations did not continue to decrease throughout the experiment (after decreasing from 14.24±5.86ng/ml to 5.50±2.41ng/ml, it raised back to 8.51±3.37 ng/ml). Leptin concentrations decreased 58.55% (p<.05) between the first and second measurements, but increased 66.74% (p<.05) between the second and third measurements. Conclusion: Serum leptin concentrations in subjects did not continue to decrease with drops in body fat mass during the 8-week weight loss program. This could indicate that long-term aerobic exercise training is beneficial to increasing the expression of ob gene as well as leptin secretion levels which in turn possibly helps keep weight off over long periods of time. Further research, however, is required. |