本研究以以舞蹈歷史研究法(Dance historical research)及舞蹈作品分析法為為主,以Robert K. Yin(1984)個案研究法中的訪談法為輔,分析林郁晶舞蹈創作理念。第一部分主要敘述林郁晶之舞蹈創作歷程,並從其以往作品中分析其舞作的形式內容與風格走向;第二部分主要是分析《灰階的記憶》之舞蹈形式意涵與動作特色;第三部分是舞台技術在此舞作上的應用與結合後的呈現。得到以下結論︰
This study took the dancer's Lin Yuh- Ching’ s dance code “Grays memory”, which was organized by Taoyuan’s Outstanding Performing Team “Dengqing Dance Company” in the 2017 annual performance “Peace Garden”, as the case for analysis. Through discussion Yuh- Ching’s dance creation process and the concerned humanities issues reflect his experience of the gradual disappearance of village. Researchers explore how social phenomena influence the form, style, theme, and connotation of choreographers' dance through “Grays Memory”.
This research focuses on the Dance historical research and Dance analysis interview method among, supplemented by the case study method in Robert K. Yin (1984)dance analysis method as the development, the main axis to analyze Lin Yuh- ching's dance creation concept. The first part mainly describes Lin Yuh-ching's dance creation process, and analyzes the form and style of his dance work from his previous works. The second part mainly analyzes the dance form meaning and the characteristics of the action of “Grays memory”. The third part is the application of the stage technology in this dance and the presentation after the combination.
This study obtained the following conclusions through interviewing the choreographers and dancers:
First, to understand the content and content of dance from Lin Yuh -ching's creative ideas;
Second, to stress both the connotation of dance and the history and culture at the same degree; Third, Lin Yuh- ching's creation form.
Lin Yuh- ching's dance combines the novel body vocabulary and historical emotions integrated into Taiwan’s unique terroir. Coupled with subjective psychological factors, this dance creates a full-hearted lyrical spirit and completes the presentation of a dance, and expects this research to be an example for reference provided to creative creators and dance performers in the aspect of creative writing.