摘要: | 本研究的目的是以活動式氣體分析器,測量日常身體活動的能量消耗量。受試對象無齡介於20~70歲,身體質量指數介於21~25。測試項目包括休息代謝量、看報看電視、上下樓梯、上網、掃地、擦拭清掃家具、擦地板、洗碗盤、切菜煮飯菜、手洗衣服、洗車等居家活動與開車、呼拉圈、騎腳踏車、高爾夫、打保齡球、打網球、溜直排輪、散步、跳元極舞、外丹功、釣魚、登山健行、打太極拳等休閒活動。測驗前須至少15分鐘的休息,採氣時間最少十分鐘,以達到穩定攝氧量時之氧消耗量,依呼吸交換率換算成卡路里消耗量。本研究除用等代謝量(METs)表示強度外,為便於國人健身與體重控制之參照使用,各身體活動的能量消耗,以30分鐘持續時間所消耗的能量與一次消耗300卡所需分鐘數揭露。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the energy expenditure of daily physical activities by using K4b2 and Aerosport apparatus. Subjects were 198 males and 200 females with ages of 20~70 and BMI of 21~25 kg/m^2. Rest metabolic rate, television watching, up and down stairs, surf the Internet, floor sweeping, furniture cleaning, floor cleaning, dish washing, vegetable cutting and cooking, cloth washing, car washing, driving, hula hoop swing, cycling, golf, bowling, tennis, inline skating, walking(4km/h), Yen-Chi dancing, wai-dan kung, fishing, hiking, Tai-Chi Chuan etc. were included. At least 15 minutes of rest before testing was guaranteed and then followed 10 minutes of air collection for steady state O2 and CO2 analysis. In addition to METs as indicator for intensity of physical activity, for reference for health promotion and weight control, energy expenditure of each physical activity was exhibited by 30 minutes of duration and by 300 kcal of energy expenditure. |