摘要: | 目的:本研究在探討單次間歇跑步臨界速度(critical velocity, CV)測驗結果,與傳統CV、最大攝氧量(maximal oxygen, VO2max)、換氣閾值(ventilatory threshold, VT)的相關情形,以確認單次間歇臨界速度測驗的效度。方法:以20名男性大學生為受試對象,年齡為22.40±1.66歲、身高為170.40±5.63公分、體重為66.90±11.95公斤,每位受試者除了接受VO2max與VT的原地跑步機漸增強度運動測驗外,還必須依據平衡次序的方式,進行四次不同速度(2.0 m/sec至4.0 m/sec)的傳統CV最大努力跑步時間測驗(測驗間至少間隔一天),以及一次漸減強度的間歇跑步測驗。間驗跑步測驗是指四次強度在4.0 m/sec至2.0 m/sec的漸減強度間歇跑步,跑步的時間與休息的時間是依據最大心跳率(maximal heart rate, HRmax)的50%至90%之變化來決定;實際進行間歇跑步測驗前,受試者先進行熱身活動,讓心跳率達到每分鐘120次以上,然後休息讓心跳率下降到50% HRmax時,開始進行第一個強度的跑步時間測驗,一直到四個強度的跑步時間測驗皆完成為止。測驗獲得的跑步時間與強度,利用三參數的「速度耐力模式」進行CV評量。結果:傳統CV (2.10±0.48 m/sec)和間歇 CV (2.00±0.55 m/sec)達到顯著相關(r=.91),而且沒有顯著差異存在;傳統CV、間歇CV與VO2max (49.60±6.89 ml/kg/min)的相關分別為.87、.81,與VT (39.60±5.53 ml/kg/min)的相關分別為.61、.62。結論:以單次間歇跑步測驗進行CV評量,確實可以取代傳統的CV測驗,獲得有效的最大有氣運動能力評量。
The purpose of this study was to examine the validity of critical velocity (CV) derived from single interval treadmill running. The subjects are 20 college male students (age: 22.4±1.66 years old, height: 170.4±5.63 cm, weight: 66.9±11.95 kg). Participants performed one exhaustive treadmill test with increasing magnitude and two different CV tests (traditional and interval). The purpose of the first test was to determine VO2max and ventilatory threshold (VT). In the traditional CV test, each subject performed four treadmill runs with sub-maximal constant velocities (2.0 m/sec~4.0 m/sec), which employed the one within-subjects variable design and tested only one velocity a day. In the interval CV test, each subject performed four treadmill runs with four decreasing sub-maximal constant velocities (from 4.0 m/sec to 2.0 m/sec) at one time, and the duration of running and resting depended on %HRmax. During each sub-maximal constant velocity of interval running, the heart rates (HR) were analyzed, and the interval running began at 50%HRmax and ends at 90%HRmax. The ”velocity-endurance model” with three parameters (CV, Vmax and AWC) was used the results. After paired t test and the calculation of the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, the traditional CV (2.10±0.48 m/sec) had significantly correlation with the interval CV (2.00±0.55 m/sec) (r=.91), and there was no significant difference between them (p>.05). The correlation coefficient of traditional CV and VO2max (49.6±6.89 ml/kg/min) is .87 (p<.05) and the correlation coefficient of internal CV and VO2max was .81 (p<.05). The correlation coefficient of traditional CV and VT (39.6±5.53 ml/kg/min) was .61 (p<.05) and the correlation coefficient of interval CV and VT was .62 (p<.05), respectively. It is concluded the interval CV test can substitute for the traditional CV test perfectly, indeed, to evaluate the maximum aerobic exercise capacity in a most efficient way. |