本研究旨在了解青少年跆拳道選手減重之相關現象,以作為選手與教練在體重控制方面之參考。研究以隨機抽樣訪談模式,於九十四年全國中等學校運動會(嘉義)期間完成高中組跆拳道男女選手345人之問卷調查。所得資料經SPSS 11.5版統計套裝軟體以描述性統計、差異檢定進行資料分析。重要結果如下:一、在345位受訪者中,曾經有減重參賽經驗者佔81.7%。二、本次競賽共計255人佔73.9%選手以減輕體重方式參賽。三、減輕體重的方法中,選手以「限制飲食」和「增加運動量與時間」的使用次數最多,各佔88.5%和80.4%,「穿風衣悶汗」佔77.2%。四、本次競賽共有220人佔63.8%是屬於急速減重者,其中選擇使用一週的時間,平均減輕體重2.19公斤,有63人佔18.3%為最高。根據上述研究結果,發現正值青春期的跆拳道運動選手,多數使用賽前不當的急速減重方式以符合量級限制。
This study aimed to explore the weight reduction status in adolescent taekowndo athletes before competition. 345 adolescent Taekowndo athletes (53.7% of total competitors, including 160 males and 185 females) were randomly sampled duration National Taiwan Middle School Athletic Meeting in 2005. The data were statistically analyzed by means of descriptive statistics and t-test. Data were collected by Weight Control Questionnaire. The results were summarized as follows. First, 282 out of 345 (about 81.7%) adolescent athletes used weight control strategy in order to match their weight category. Second, 255 out of 345 (about 73.9%) adolescent athletes used weight reduction strategy to qualify for their weight class in this competition. Third, 88.5%, 80.4% and 77.2% competitors used ”to restrict diet”, ”to increase exercise amounts”, and ”plastic suits worn to sweat” respectively in order to qualify for their weight class. Fourth, 220 out of 345 (about 63.8%) used rapid weight reduction in order to match their weight-defined classes in this competition. This study concluded that most Taekowndo athletes in adolescent apply rapid weight reduction strategy to qualify their weight-defined classes in competition.