摘要: | 目的:運動訓練者經常同一天裡實施肌力與耐力跑訓練,但是兩種形式的運動,實施的先後順序,哪一種比較有利,實驗證據仍十分有限。本研究比較先肌力、後耐力跑(MR)與先耐力跑、後肌力運動(RM)對能量代謝產物和氧化壓力的影響。方法:徵幕11位健康男性受試者(24.4±3.3yr, 171.5±5.2cm, 68.5±8.1kg),隨機分成兩組後給予交叉設計處理,且至少間隔三日。MR測試時,在60%1-RM肌力運動30分鐘後,立即實施65% VO2max耐力跑30分鐘;RM測試時,則與MR順序相反,內容相同。血液樣本收集自運動前安靜時、肌力運動後、耐力跑後、整體運動後30分鐘等4個時間點。分析項目包括血漿乳酸、尿酸濃度;紅血球SOD、CAT、GPx等抗氧化酶活性;TBARS與羰基化蛋白等氧化傷害指標。使用SPSS 13.0軟體,採重覆量數雙因子變異數分析,顯著水準定為p≦.05。結果:乳酸在兩種測試的肌力或耐力跑訓練後都顯著增加,但峰值均出現在肌力運動後,且MR測試在整體訓練結束30分鐘後顯著較RM測試較低。無論肌力或耐力跑先實施,都顯著增加血尿酸濃度。兩種測試的紅血球抗氧化酶活性變化相似,惟RM測試的SOD在整體訓練後30分鐘顯著低於訓練前,CAT在耐力跑後顯著低於訓練前。TBARS顯示MR測試在耐力跑後顯著高於訓練前,但整體訓練後30分鐘顯著低於訓練前。兩種測試的羰基化蛋白變化都與訓練前沒有差異。結論:先肌力後耐力跑的順序,較能在短時間清除血乳酸濃度,並且有助於代謝血脂質氧化傷害指標。
Purpose: It has been thought that running preceding to muscular training appears no negative influence on muscular training effect. However, direct evidence remains limited. This study was to investigate the effect of muscular training followed by endurance training on metabolic products and oxidative stress. Methods: Eleven healthy male participants were recruited (24.4±3.3 yr, 171.5±5.2 cm, 68.5±8.1 kg) They were randomly assigned to two groups with a cross-over design at least 3-day apart. Two trials were treated in an order of muscular training (60% 1-RM for 30 min) followed by endurance training (65%VO2max for 30 min) (MR trial) or reversed order (RM trial). Blood samples were taken from 4 time points including pre-training, post-muscular training, post-endurance training, 30 min after end of both training. Plasma lactate, uric acid, and RBC's antioxidant enzyme activities including SOD, CAT, GPx, and oxidative damage indicators including TBARS, carbonyl proteins were analyzed. SPSS 13.0 was used and repeated of two-way ANOVA was adopted to test the difference. Statistical level was set at p≦.05. Results: Lactate was increased in either muscular or endurance training in both trials, but both peak values occurred after muscular training. In addition, lactate value was significantly lower at 30 min after end of both training in MR than in RM. Uric acid was significantly higher than pre-training in both trials since the first training. The change patterns of RBC's antioxidant enzyme activities were similar except that in MR trial, SOD was significantly lower at 30 min after end of both training than pretraining, and CAT was significantly lower post-endurance running than pre-training. TBARS was shown significantly higher post-endurance running than pre-training but significantly lower at 30 min after end of both training than pre-training. There were no differences of carbonyl proteins changes in both trials. Conclusion: Muscular training followed by endurance training may reduce blood lactate and lipid peroxides in a short period of time. |