目的:探討阻力運動後進行遠紅外線結合冷水浴對舉重選手的人體生理反應與運動表現之影響。方法:12名大學男性舉重選手,於阻力運動(以100%體重,蹲舉10次,再以一次最大反覆之負荷,5秒離心收縮,總共6組)後,以平衡次序分配至兩種15分鐘的實驗處理:一、遠紅外線結合冷水浴處理,在90°C遠紅外線房間內坐姿休息10分鐘,接著進入10°C冷水浴中浸泡5分鐘;二、靜態處理。結果:血乳酸、肌酸激酶、腿肌力與垂直跳躍高度,兩種處理之間無顯著差異(p > .05)。血比容與血漿量在處理後時間點,兩種處理之間達顯著差異(p < .05)。結論:阻力運動後使用遠紅外線結合冷水浴無法加速血乳酸、肌酸激酶清除,不影響隨後的運動表現。建議遠紅外線結合冷水浴處理後應增加水分攝取。
Purpose: This study investigated the effects of far-infrared chamber combined with cryotherapy (FIR-C) on physiological responses and sports performance following the resistance exercise in weightlifting athletes. Methods: Twelve college elite male weightlifters received two different treatments following resistance exercise (6-sets × 10 parallel squats at 100% body weight and 5-s 1RM eccentric squat superimposed onto each set) for 15 min by a counter-balanced order: 1. far-infrared (10 min, 90°C; heat chamber) combined with cryotherapy (5 min, 10°C); 2. rest control (Con; sat on a chair for 15 min). Results: There were no significant differences on the blood lactate (BLa), creatine kinase (CK), leg strength (LS) and vertical jump height (VJH) across different time points between the two treatments. However, there were significant differences on the hematocrit (Hct) and plasma volume (PV) at post treatment time point between the two treatments (p < .05). Conclusion: Farinfrared chamber combined with cryotherapy appears not beneficial on BLa and CK clearance, as well as exercise performance on LS and VJH following resistance exercise. We suggest that the more water ingestion was necessary after the far-infrared chamber combined with cryotherapy.