本文透過文獻回顧的方式,探討足弓支撐鞋墊對扁平足的影響。內容蒐集1986 年1 月至2015年12 月間,探討扁平足或低足弓與足弓支撐對傷害和疲勞的期刊論文,歸納整理研究結論。符合的文獻269 篇,探討變項在傷害最多,其次為疲勞。綜觀文獻發現扁平足衍生下肢傷害與疲勞的主因是缺乏足底的足弓支撐。穿著足弓支撐鞋墊在長時間行走過程中,可降低中足的足底壓力,對改善下肢衍生出傷害問題中異常的肌肉活性有正向效益,並且對疲勞的減緩有幫助。本文總結足弓支撐鞋墊可以解決扁平足下肢的傷害問題和肌肉的疲勞。
This paper was to review literatures which described how arch support insoles influenced people with flatfeet. The review collected literatures published between January 1986 and December 2015 which discussed effects of flat feet with arch support on injuries and fatigue and then summarized and sorted their findings. The most disussed variables in those literatures were injury and followed by fatigue. In this review, we attributed lower extremity injuries and fatigue on people with flatfeet to the lack of plantar arch support. Wearing the arch support insoles could reduce the midfoot pressure, improve issue of low extremity.