摘要: | 本研究旨在探討優秀排球教練於比賽臨場指導中,對請求暫停後的各項得失結果做一分析,研究樣本以2004年雅典奧運排球賽76場285局,男女排球隊教練於比賽中請求暫停後的各項結果進行統計,所得資料以描述統計之次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差等,以二因子變異數分析檢定不同變項之間的影響關係,如因子間產生交互作用,則分別進行因子間單純主要效果分析,並以薛費法進行事後比較,以瞭解差異情形,各項統計考驗的顯著水準均設定α=.05。研究結果發現:一、男女隊教練在請求暫停使用上負隊使用率均高於勝隊。二、男女隊教練請求暫停次數使用上並無顯著差異。三、男女隊教練均在連續失2分時請求暫停數最高。四、男子隊在暫停後的有效得分數高於女子隊。五、暫停時段與暫停後的得分效果以暫停後段的得分效果最佳,而暫停後中段的得分效果最差。六、男女教練在比賽勝負局中對暫停差分經二因子變異數分析後產生交互作用,經兩個因子的單純主要效果分析及事後比較發現,男女隊伍教練在請求暫停使用上,負局的暫停差分女子隊高於男子隊,而勝負局的暫停差分,經事後比較發現男子隊負局高於勝局,而女子隊則是勝局高於負局。經由本研究結果顯示,教練應充分掌握比賽中暫停技術的運用,一經發現球員有異常表現或連續失分時,均應果斷請求暫停,適時給予球員指示,避免錯失獲勝契機。
This study analyzed the results of the advantages and disadvantages to request timeouts for the excellent volleyball coaches in a game. The samples were taken from the coaches of the men's and women's volleyball teams during the 285 sets, 76 games in the volleyball games of the Athens Olympic Games in 2004. The statistical results were analyzed and tested for the influential relationships between the different variables by the descriptive statistics of the frequency distribution, the percentage, the mean, and the standard deviation and by the two-way analysis of variance. If the variances produced the interaction, they were effective analyses in their respect and the Scheff's method was used to make the post-hoc comparison for understanding the differences. The probability-value in each statistical test is set in α=.05. Several findings of this research were found. First, the timeout usages in the lost teams were higher than the winning ones for both the coaches of the men's and women's. Second, the frequencies of timeouts for the coaches of the men's and women's teams did not have the apparent differences. Third, on losing two points continually, the frequencies of requesting timeouts for the coaches of the men's and women's teams reached the top. Fourth, for the effect of gaining points after requesting timeouts, the men's teams were higher than the women's. Fifth, on the effect in the span of timeouts and gaining points after requesting timeouts, the late stage in the span of timeouts was the best, and the mid-stage in the span of timeouts was the worst. Sixth, through the analysis of the two-way analysis of variance, the score lag of timeouts produced the interaction caused by the men's and women's coaches in the games. According to the analysis of two variances and the post-hoc comparison, in using timeouts for the coaches of the men's and women's teams, the sets lost in the women teams were higher than those of the men, but on the winning and losing sets in the score lag of timeouts through the post-hoc comparison, the sets lost in the men teams were higher than the winning ones, On the contrary, the winning sets in the women teams were higher than the lost ones. According to this research, the coach should fully control the application of the skill of timeouts in the game. The coach should request timeouts resolutely when he finds out the players play disorderly or the team keeps on losing, and the coach should direct the players in time to avoid missing the winning opportunity. |