本研究目的為比較增強式訓練與阻力訓練對垂直跳表現之立即性影響。受試者為3名甲組籃球運動員和8名排球運動員(年齡 = 21.1 ± 2.1、身高 = 181.8 ± 7.2、體重 = 77.2 ± 13.7),首先進行3次垂直跳作為基準值,緊接的靜態休息一分鐘,隨後依照平衡次序重複量數設計分別進行增強式訓練和阻力訓練,增強試訓練和阻力訓練皆分隔24小時進行,在訓練後靜態坐姿4分鐘,然後進行三次垂直跳作為後測。增強式訓練由5下落地跳躍組成,阻力訓練由5下5RM蹲舉組成。增強式訓練與阻力訓練後測皆顯著優於前測(p < .05),且兩種訓練之間皆無顯著差異(p > .05)。本研究結論阻力訓練和增強式訓練皆可顯著立即提升垂直跳表現,且達到相同效果。
The purpose of this study was to compare the acute effect on countermovement jump (CMJ) between plyometric and resistance training. Subjects were 8 male volleyball players and 3 male basketball players from Division I teams of Chinese Culture University. (mean ± SD: age, 21.1±2.1 years; height, 181.8±7.2 cm; body mass, 77.2±13.7 kg). They performed 3 CMJs as a baseline and then rested for 1 minute. The plyometric and resistance training were performed in counterbalanced randomized orderon separate day. After the training, subjects performed 3 CMJs at 4 minute as a post-test. The plyometric and resistance training were 5 drop jumps and 5 squats at 5 repetition maximum, respectively. The post-tests were significantly increased compared to the baseline, whereas no difference was found between training sessions. In conclusion, the CMJ was increased after plyometric and resistance training.