本研究利用14位甲組排球選手,先測得每位選手的最佳垂直跳表現,並以最佳垂直跳高度(Maximal Jump Height, MJH)的50%、75%、100%、125%與150%來當作跳台高度。而選手從各高度高台落下跳躍後,地面反作用力達顯著差異(p < .05),並隨著高台高度增加而增加。而落下跳躍後的騰空時間與反應強度參數reactive strength index(RSI)皆無顯著的差異。而每位選手從各高台高度落下跳躍後的高度與RSI分別出現在各高台高度。表示每位選手的所能承受刺激以及適合訓練的強度並不一致。
The purpose of this study was to compare the maximal ground reaction force, the maximal jump height and reactive strength index (RSI) between drop jumps from 50%, 75%, 100%, 125% and 150% of maximum countermovement jump height. Fourteen volleyball players voluntarily participated in the study. There were significantly differences between each drop heights. There were no significant differences in the maximal jump height and reactive strength index (RSI). The results demonstrated that the intensity of the drop heights should be set by individual.