本研究的主要目的是探討柔道選手賽前狀態焦慮與成績預測之相關研究。研究對象是以參加中華民國大專院校九十學年度柔道錦標賽之中國文化大學甲乙組柔道運動員共34名(男生21名,女生13名),平均身高167.9±8.48公斤,體重66.0±15.20公斤,平均年齡20.6 ± 1.85歲。在比賽前30分鐘給予選手填寫賽前狀態性焦慮量表,並用數位攝影機拍攝其場上表現,並聘請三位柔道資深教練為其作評分人員。本研究以迴歸預測,顯著水準皆定為α=.01,所得結論為:一、適當的認知焦慮水準有助於表現的發揮;二、適當的身體焦慮水準有助於表現的發揮;三、適當的自信心水準有助於表現的發揮。
The aims of this study discusses the relationship between precompetitive state anxiety and the predicted grade for the Judo players. Subjects are the students of CCU that joined the University Judo competition. They are 21 males and 13 females, and their average infors is 67.9 ± 8.48 cm, 20.6 ± 1.85years old , 66.0 ± 15.20kg.We gived them the form of state anxiety to write before starting game, and then we took the images near the court by the digital camera. Finally, we hired 3judo coach to evaluate the performance of each player, and just make a grades for each one. We checked the problems by using regression prediction and t test ,and then this study set the significant level for all assumed tests at α=.01 And we got 2conclusions as following :1. High level performance caused by the appropriate level of cognitive anxiety; 2. High level performance caused by the appropriate level of body anxiety; 3.High level performance caused by the appropriate level of confident.