本研究目的在探討陰離子刺激對男子自由車選手運動後血液生化值之影響情形。受試者為11位男子自由車選手,平均年齡17.8±1.47歲,身高170.9±5.32分,體重60.2±7.40公斤。以平衡次序將受試者分為A、B兩組,使用Sensor Medics Vmax 29能量代謝系統連接腳踏車功率器,每位受議者以80% V□的負荷進行30分鐘運動後,A組接受陰離子刺激一小時,B組則是靜態休息。陰離子刺激採陰離子健康器(BTS-801)刺激強度為DC 12特。在運動後恢復期以靜脈滯留針在第3、5、7、10、15、30、60分鐘測量其血乳酸值;採集並分析第15、130、60分鐘之血清肌酸激,血尿素和血紅素三種血液生化指標。三天後再次測試,並互換恢復方式;以瞭解陰離子刺激對受試者激烈運動後恢復期血液生化值之影響。本研究之資料以SPSS for Windows 9.0套裝軟體進行處理分析,並以相依樣本t考驗進行之。結果發現,激烈運動後恢復接受陰離子刺激者較安靜恢復方式在血乳酸方面有較快的恢復率。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of negative ion stimulation on post-exercise induced blood biochemistry responses. 11 male cyclists (17.8±1.47yrs, 170.9±5.32cm, 60.2±7.40kg) participating in 80% V□ max for 30 min by bicycle ergometer. Negative ion stimulation and passive rest were used to counterbalance take during 1 hr recovery period. Blood samples were taken prior to exercise and after 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 30 and 60 min of exercise blood samples were analyzed for blood lactic acid (BLa), creatine kinase (CK), blood urea (BU), and hemoglobin (Bb). The data from these measurements were treated by t-test. Significantly (p<.05) decrease in blood lactate concentration in negative ion stimulation than passive rest during recovery. And no significant difference was found for CK, Bu, and Hb in recovery. In conclusion from this study that negative ion stimulation is effective in enhance the lactate removal after exercise.