本研究目的在探討功能性電刺激療法、靜態恢復與動態恢復法,三組不同之恢復方式對受試者運動後恢復期生理反應之影響。以中國文化大學甲組網球代表隊男生9名為受試對象,其平均年齡為19.7±1.32歲、身高176.1±5.04公分、體重73.7±7.68公斤。每位受試者均需從事三次80% VO2max之運動強度持續於跑步機上運動12分鐘後,分別接受功能性電刺激療法(三十分鐘)、動態恢復法(以35% VO2max運動三十分鐘)及靜態恢復三十分鐘,並於運動後恢復期以靜脈置留針在第3、5、7、10、15、30、60分鐘,各時期抽取肘前靜脈血,測量血乳酸值;第15、30、60分鐘抽血,分析血液肌酸激?、血尿素及血紅素之濃度。所得資料以混合設計相依樣本單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)進行之。結果發現功能性電刺激療法與動態恢復法其血乳酸之恢復效果皆優於靜態恢復,故功能性電刺激療法除了可以運用於訓練肌力與復健外,也可當作一種加速運動後乳酸排除之有效恢復方法。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of functional electrical stimulation on post-exercise induced blood samples responses. 9 male tennis players, with mean age of 19.7 + 1.47 yrs, height of 176.1 + 5.04 cm and weight of 73.7 + 7.68 kg, volunteered for this study as subjects. The experiments were performed on the treadmill with high intensity (80%VO2max) for 12 minutes followed by three patterns of recovery treatments for 30 minutes: 1.Functional electrical stimulation, 2. static recovery, 3. active recovery. We took counter balance of recovery treatments. During 1 hr recovery duration, blood sample for determination of lactate concentration were taken at rest and the recovery duration of 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 30, and 60 min. Blood sample for determination of creatine kinase (CK), blood urea (BU), and hemoglobin (Hb) concentration were also taken at rest and the recovery duration of 15,30,and 60min. One-way ANOYA showed that three recovery treatments significantly difference among the results of data. The results obtained from this study were as follow: On post-exercise induced physiological responses about BLa . Functional electrical stimulation treatment and active recovery are better than static recovery.