近年來,說服效果之調節焦點之探討為熱門話題,故本研究茲將探討不同的自我調控焦點(促進焦點vs.預防焦點)受測者接收到不同的保健食品訊息框架(正面訊息vs.負面訊息),所產生之調節配適對其再購意圖之影響。另外,自信於調節配適與再購意圖之間關係之干擾角色亦被討論於本論文中。本研究使用SPSS 21.0之獨立樣本T檢定從事假說檢定。於實驗一中,本研究結果發現當不同自我調控焦點之受測者接收到不同的訊息框架,其所產生的調節配適或不配適,於保健食品之再購意圖並未達顯著之差異。至於實驗二,本研究發現不論為促進焦點或預防焦點的受測者,只要其具高度自信,不管是接收到正面或負面之保健食品訊息,其對保健食品之再購意圖均顯著高過於低度自信之受測者,此發現足以說明自信於調節配適及再購意圖之間扮演重要之干擾角色。最後,根據研究結果,本研究提出管理意涵,而研究限制及未來研究方向亦被呈現於本論文中。
In recent years, the persuasion effect of the regulatory focus has been a hot topic, and thus this study attempts to explore when the different consumers' self-regulatory foci (i.e. promoting focus and prevention focus) receive different health food message frames (i.e. positive and negative message frame), the effect of regulatory fit on repurchase intention. In Experiment 1, research results find that when the different consumers' self-regulatory foci (i.e. promoting focus and prevention focus) receive different health food message frames (i.e. positive and negative message frame), both the regulatory fit and non-fit effect have no significant impact on repurchase intention. As to Experiment 2, in spite of promotion-focused respondents or prevention-focused respondents, when they receive different health food message frames (i.e. positive and negative message frame) with high self-confidence, they will generate greater repurchase intention compared to those with low self-confidence. The results show that self-confidence plays an important moderating role in the link between regulatory fit and repurchase intention. Finally, based on the results, the practical implications, research limitations, and directions for future research are presented in this study.