摘要: | 金融科技是近年來金融界和資訊界共同的熱門話題,但是,在產業實務推動上,基於限法規等因素,致台灣業者的發展起步較晚且態度較為保守。但在受到近期的衝擊與影響後,包括銀行在內的多數業者也開始進行嘗試 – 包括虛擬銀行的佈建。
相較於過往,虛擬銀行代表的意義和發展模式已然大不同,因此,重思金融時代下佈建虛擬銀行的策略價值與定位成為關鍵課題。為提供國內銀行具體參考內涵,本研究從近三年國外獲獎名單中,並兼顧四類虛擬銀行(原生數位銀行、電商關係企業、傳統銀行轉型、金融科技公司轉型)的架構下,選擇Fidor Bank、美國Radius Bank 、Atom Bank、WeBank、Moven Bank作為標竿個案研究對象,並透過商業模式九宮格分析,歸納虛擬銀行對金融業者創造價值的可能模式與關鍵要素。
Although FinTech (Financial Technology) is regarded as an important and hot topic for both the academy and the practice in recent years, the evolution path of FinTech service development in Taiwan shows a relative late and conservative pattern, owing to regulatory restrictions and considerations. However, recognizing the impacts resulting from FinTech players around the world, banks and other financial institutes in Taiwan are forced to blueprint their own FinTech practices, including the deploy-ment of virtual banks.
Generally speaking, the fundamental changes of the industry environment has made the meaning and roles of virtual banks far different from that of in the past, which then makes virtual banks themselves regarded as a strategic weapon for market penetration. To help clearly depict the impacts and roles of virtual banks, this thesis adopts the multi-case study approach as the research method, and applies the Business Canvas Model as its analytical framework. Five representative cases (i.e., Fidor Bank, Radius Bank, Atom Bank, WeBank, and Moven Bank), which receive awards during 2015 and 2017 and have different backgrounds between each other, are then taken as our analytical target.
Based upon the findings, the observed cases clearly illustrate of how to leverage API for realizing the potential by resolving the pains suffered by current financial in-stitutes and by fulfilling the needs of potential customers through multiple ways. As well, our findings also illustrate how virtual banks successfully reposition themselves as the backend of other financial institutes, thus shape the new ecosystem among and new relationship amongst the players of the financial industry in the FinTech era. Moreover, how to co-opete with FinTech companies are found the efficient routes for value creation and new experience shaping. Based on the above-mentioned findings, practical implications are drawn for those who are interested but struggled for de-ployment of virtual banks in Taiwan. |