本研究旨在探討樂高機器人課程對於大學生專注力的影響,以中國文化大學大學部工學院機械工程學系的兩門不同班級課程的學生為研究樣本對象,分為實驗組以及對照組,實驗組40人對照組34人,其中研究時間為8周。研究中應用到動機學習理論設計課程,在課程中先吸引同學們的注意力,再給予同學們一個共同的主題讓同學們由簡單到複雜的完成任務,提升同學們的自信心,以及成就感。在實驗組以及對照組課程的前與後各做一次問卷,在信度分析當中本問卷Cronbach α值高於0.7結果屬於可信度高的問卷,經由問卷前後測的結果能清楚看到課程中學習專注力前、後之差異。加上運用拍攝照片來記錄同學上課的狀況,另外從訪談的過程中可以看到在課程前與後,會帶給同學們對學習專注力的改變。因此,從研究結果中可看到實驗組同學們的專注力,經過樂高機器人課程之後,是有正向的變化。
This study investigated the influence of LEGO robots on the concentration of university students. Two classes of students from the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Chinese Culture University were recruited as research participants and divided into the experimental (N = 40) and control (N = 34) groups. The research duration was 8 weeks. The researchers adopted the motivational learning theory, where they attracted the students’ attention at the beginning of the Lego robot class;the students were then given the same topic and asked to complete simple tasks. The level of difficulty of the tasks was gradually increased to help the students gain confidence. When the students successfully completed the tasks, their sense of accomplishment was further enhanced. A questionnaire survey was conducted on both the experimental and control groups one time before and after the class. The reliability analysis result above 0.7(Cronbach.α) indicated that the used questionnaire possessed satisfactory reliability, and the pretest and posttest results showed the students’ significant difference in learning concentration before and after the class. In addition, students’ participation situation in class was photographed. The interviews also revealed that the Lego robot class affected students’ learning concentration. Overall, the students in the experimental group showed a positive change in their concentration after attending the Lego robot class.