約瑟夫.海頓( Joseph Haydn,1732 - 1809),是古典時期影響後世深遠的三大作曲家之一,他在交響曲,弦樂四重奏的曲式奠基上,有著無法被抹滅的貢獻。這首小號協奏曲,更是小號演奏者的必備曲目,是古典時期小號協奏曲的翹楚之一。筆者將從這首曲子,來探討海頓的作品特色,小號在古典時期的發展,和演奏此曲的相關詮釋。
Joseph Haydn (1732 -1809)is a distinguished Austrian composer in classical period.His symphonies and string quartes are became the standard repertoire and the he builds the form of symphony.For trumpet players, Haydn wrote a most famous trumpet concerto, for the newly keyed trumpet invented by Anton Weidinger.The author is going to analyze this concerto and discuss the interpretation.
This article is divided into six chapters to analyze Joseph Haydn’s Trumpet Concerto: First of all, the author will state the purpose, intension, range and method of this thesis. Secondly, the writer will introduce the history of the trumpet, the devolopement of valvue trumpet and its character in the orchestra. In the chapter 3, the author will illustrate Joseph Haydn’s biography, musical style and the background of his trumpet concerto. For chapter 4 and 5, the writer will analyze the trumpet concerto and discuss the interpretation of the music, resolution of the technical challenge. In the end, the essay is concluded with the summary of this thesis.