The main purpose of this study is to explore the moderating effect of consum-ers’ public-consciousness trait on the relationship between the brand fit and attitude toward the co-brand. The study used the experiment design including a pretest and final experiment, and fictitious sports drink of fresh juice as the co-branded prod-uct. The purpose of pretest is to select 6 core brands (3 fresh juice brands and 3 sports drink brands). The usable samples for the pretest consisted of 40 participants. The final experiment design used descriptive paragraphs stating the fictitious situa-tion. The experiment was 3 (fresh juice brands) ×3 (sports drink brands) be-tween-subjects factor design. Each experimental treatment of between-subjects factor design was assigned to 40 college students. The data were provided by 349 students. The results reveals that (1) The brand fit positively affected attitude to-ward the co-brand;(2) For consumers with lower rational purchase in contrast to those with higher rational purchase, the positive effect of the brand fit on attitude toward the co-brand is stronger. This study discusses the implication for the theory and practices, and suggestions for the future study.