而本研究所探討的美妝產業,將以日本電通廣告公司(dentsu)提出的 AISAS 為藍本的網路消費模式-注意(Attention)興趣(Interest)搜索(Search) 行動(Action)分享( Share)並結合亞里斯多德(Aristotle)溝通三要素—人格(ethos)、情感(pathos)、邏輯(logos)來分析知名網紅的說服策略。
The phenomenon of social media has provided many with a platform for reaching a wider audience - allowing individuals with the entrepreneurial spirit to create their own brand and fan following.
These days, many people find themselves relying on the expert recommendations from these online personalities when they need to make an informed decision when purchasing a product. In fact, this trend has become so prevalent that advertising companies are actively seeking partnerships with these online celebrities in order to increase their product sales and revenue.
In this paper, we will apply the online consumer spending model (AISAS), developed by the Japanese marketing agency (Dentsu), and attempt to look at its effectiveness on the cosmetic industry. Specifically, we will analyze how the model's emphasis on (attention), (search), (action), (sharing) in conjunction with Aristotle's (ethos), (pathos), (logos) - the three keys to effective communication; contribute to the effectiveness of an online personality's engagement with his audience and how they trigger a potential customer's desire to purchase.
From our study, we've concluded that the formula for success begins with the ability to attract attention through their personality and amicability. In addition to these prerequisites, they must utilize their expert knowledge in the field in order to evoke and maintain the viewers' interest, which subsequently should encourage the viewers to act on their buyer's impulse. What follows next is a natural progression based on people's inclination for sharing and exchanging ideas on social media, which ultimately result in an increase in potential customers.