目的:探討身體活動介入對國小智能障礙學生健康體過能之影響。方法:本研究採用實驗設計單組前、中、後測法,使用GEE方法(GeneralizedEstimating Equations),進行前測、中測與後測成績之差異檢定,再以Tukey-Kramer法進行事後比較,以α=.05為顯著水準。結呆經分析與討論後,獲得結論如下:一、十二週的身體活動課程介入後,對智障學童之健康體過能的肌耐力、柔軟度、心肺耐力三者的成績皆有顯著進步(P<.05)。顯示透過適當的身體活動課程教學,可以提升智能障礙學生之部分健康體過能。二、十二週的身體活動課程介入後,對智障學童之健康體過能的身體質量指數無顯著差異,顯示短期之身體活動介入,無法讓受試者之身高體重產生顯著之改變,而要使BMI產生訓練效果,必須長時間從事有規律且適當之身體活動才能奏效。
This study explored how the interference of physical activities affected the health-related physical fitness of the mentally retarded students of a primary school. We chose eight moderately and severely mentally retarded students of a primary school in Taipei City, with the independent variable as physical activity curriculum, and dependent variable as health-related physical fitness. The duration of this experiment was physical education for twelve weeks. We employed a pre-test, mid-test, and poster-test method for this one-group experiment, with generalized estimating equations (GEE) to measure the differential results of the abovementioned tests and Tukey-Kramer method to conduct comparisons. Upon analysis and discussion, we achieved conclusions as follows: 1. The interference of the twelve-week physical activities had remarkably contributed to the muscle endurance, flexibility, and cardiorespiratory endurance of the mentally retarded students (P<.05). This indicated that through appropriate physical activity curriculum, part of the mentally retarded students' physical fitness can be improved. 2. The interference of the twelve-week physical activities did not made remarkable difference on the BMI of the mentally retarded students, which suggests that short-term physical activities could not achieved an obvious improvement on the subjects. Put differently, to make visible BMI results, the subjects have to be engaged in regular and moderate exercise for a long time.