本研究的目的在以自我呈現途徑探討大專生社會體型焦慮、身體質量指數和運動 行為之關係。本研究以台灣大學、景文學院、屏東師院、永達技術學院、和澎湖海專共 220 學生為研究對象 (男 =118; 女 =102,平均年齡 =19.75( ± 1.64),施以 Har 及其究同僚 (Hart,Leary & Rejeski,1989) 所編製的社會體型焦慮量表 (Social Physique Anxiety Sca1e,簡稱 SPAS),配合個人基本資料 (如年齡、身高、體重等等 ) 加以分析。 t 考驗 結果發現男生在社會體型焦慮分量表之體型呈現自在得分高於女生,而女生則在分量表之負 面體型評量不安高於男生。點二系相關分析則發現運動行為與身體質量指數無關,但與體型 呈現自在成正相關,且與負面體型評量不安成負相關。至於身體質量指數則與負面體型評量 不安成正相關,但與體型呈現自在成負相關。最後,逐步迴歸分析發現身體呈現自在為運動 行為之有效預測因素。本研究建議未來研究者可引用自我呈現途徑研究一般人或特殊群體在 運動情境中的認知、情緒和行為。
This study adopted self-presentation processes approach to examine the relationships among social physique anxiety, body mass index, and exercise behavior. A total of 220 college students (males=118; females=102) with mean age of 19.75(SD= ± 1.64) were administered with Social Physique Anxiety Scale (SPAS; Hart, Leary, & Rejeski, 1989) and demographic data. An independent t-test revealed that males were higher on Physical Present Comfort subscale of SPAS while females were higher on Negative Physique Evaluation Concern subscale of SPAS. A point-beserial correlation analysis revealed that exercise behavior positively correlated with Physical Present Comfort but negatively correlated with Negative Physique Evaluation Concern. In addition, body mass index was found to be positively correlated with Negative Physique Evaluation Concern but negatively correlated with Physical Present Comfort. Further, a stepwise multiple regression found that Physical Present Comfort was the only predictor of exercise behavior. In general, this study not only supported Hart and her colleague's findings but also provided criterion-related validity for the Chinese version of SPAS.