本研究的目的在探討運動員目標取向與運動樂趣來源的相關,以及不同性別、運動項目在運動樂趣來源上的差異。本研究以531位高中運動員為受試對象( 男363;女168,平均年齡=17.01,SD=±.96)。本研究所使用的研究工具包括運動員運動樂趣來源量表(林孟逸,民90)、運動目標取向量表(季力康,民82),及個人基本資料。依據本研究目的分別以Pearson積差相關、典型相關及單因子多變量變異數分析進行資料處理,所得結果如下:1.在簡單相關顯示,工作取向與社交和生活機會、社會認同和獎勵、自覺能力、活動本身呈正相關;而自我取向與社交和生活機會、社會認同和獎勵、自覺能力呈正相關。2.在典型相關顯示,工作取向者透過典型相關係數解釋較多的「社交和生活機會」、「活動本身」的運動樂趣,而自我取向者透過典型相關係數解釋較多的「社會認同和獎勵」、「自覺能力」的運動樂趣。3.男、女高中運動員的運動樂趣來源無顯著差異存在。4. 個人、團體運動項目的高中運動員在「自覺能力」和「社會認同和獎勵」的運動樂趣來源上有差異存在;但在「社交和生活機會」和「活動本身」的運動樂趣來源上無差異存在。本研究建議未來研究者可探討運動樂趣來源及其他心理結構之關係,如人格特質、情境因素、運動行為、運動壓力或競技崩潰,等因素進行探討。
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between athletes' goal orientation and sport enjoyment, and examine the difference of sources of sport enjoyment in terms of gender and sport events differences. This study sampled 531 high school's athletes (males=363,females=l68) with mean age of 17.01 and administered with the Inventory of Source of Sport Enjoyment (Lin, 2001), Task and I go Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (Chi, 1993). With Pearson's Correlation analysis this study found task orientation correlated all factors of the sources of sport enjoyment including social and life opportunities, social recognition and awards, perceived competence and activity itself positively; also, ego orientation correlation all factors of the sources of sport enjoyment except activity itself. Further, Canonical correlation analysis found task orientation explained more on social and life opportunities and activity itself while ego orientation explained more on social recognition and awards, and perceived competence. Finally, two separate one-way MANOVA analysis found that there was no significant difference on the sources of sport enjoyment in terms of gender different that there were significant differences on the sources of sport enjoyment such as perceived competence, and social recognition and awards in term of sport events different. This study suggested future study should focus on the construct of sport enjoyment and examine its relationship with other psychological constructs.