本研究的目的在修訂 Vallerand 等人(Vallerand,Deshaies,Cuerrier,Briere,&Pelleter;1997)的多向度運動員精神取向量表(Multidimensional Sportspersonship Orientation Scale,MSOS)為中文版,並檢驗其信度與效度。本研究以國立體院、中央大學、台灣師範大學、台灣體院、台北體院、輔仁大學、中央警官學校等670名大專甲乙組運動員為受試對象,並以 Vallerand et al.(1997)的MSOS為藍本,利用倒繹法程序製作成中文初稿,並施測於上述 670 名運動選手,同時以探索性因素分析、項目分析和Cronbach α係數法檢驗其建構效度與信度。研究結果發現,修訂後之中文版多向度運動員精神取向量表的建構效度與Vallerand(1997)研究中原有的分量表相同;分別為「運動參與的完全承諾」;「運動參與的負面手段」;「尊敬與關心對手」;「社會禮節」;「尊敬比賽規則與裁判」五個因素。且修訂過後之多向度運動員精神取向量表內部一致性介於.51到.73之間。本研究建議後續研究者可以應用本研究問卷探討運動員精神與運動行為、認知、和情緒關係,同時也可以驗證性因素分析進一步驗證本量表的因素結構。
The purpose of this study was to revise Vallerand (l997) Multidimensional Sportspersonship Orientation Scale (MSOS) into Chinese and examine its validity and reliability. This study sampled 670 intercollegiate student athletes and administered with revised Chinese version of MSOS. Exploratory Factor Analysis revealed that the revised Chinese version of MSOS included five factors named ” one's full commitment toward sport participation” ”social conventions” ”respect and concern the rules and officials” ”the negative approach toward one's participation in sport” as Vallerand (l997) indicated. Also, Cronbacha analysis indicated that all five factors were internally consistent because Cronbacha coefficients were ranged from .51 to .73. In’ sum, this study found that revised MSOS with appropriate reliability and validity and suggested that future study may apply the revised Chinese MSOS to study how sportpersonship influence athletes behavior, feeling and thinking.