本研究主要目的在探討運動員主客觀成敗對其歸因差異的研究。本研究是以參加中華民國九十學年度大專運動會桌球賽選手為受試對象,其中男生94人,女生69人,合計163人,平均年齡21.43(±3.16)歲。研究工具為盧俊宏以McAuley和Duncan的Causal Dimension Scale-Ⅱ 修訂為目前使用之CDS-Ⅱ因果歸因向度量表,作為本研究問卷量表;資料處理以平均數、標準差、卡方考驗、獨立樣本t考驗進行統計分析。研究結果如下:(一)客觀勝/負對主觀成功/失敗,經次數分配百分比卡方考驗達顯著水準(X^2=45.10l)。(二)客觀勝/負與因果歸因向度之間的差異,在因果根源、內在控制及個人控制三個因素之間差異沒有達顯著水準,在「穩定性」此因素,客觀勝與負之間差異達顯著水準,以平均數來看,客觀勝者較客觀負者歸因於穩定的因素為多。(三)主觀成功/失敗與因果歸因向度之間的差異,在因果根源、內在控制及個人控制三個因素之間差異沒有達顯著水準,而在「穩定性」因素,主觀成功者與主觀失敗者之問差異達顯著水準,以平均數來看,成功者較失敗者歸因於穩定的因素。本研究發現,主觀成敗與客觀勝負對因果歸因向度之差異,都以「穩定性」因素差異達顯著水準,可見所有成功者的歸因型態皆屬於「自我加強策略」型態。此項結果和過去歸因研究如Weary與Fontaine的研究類似。本研究結論指出運動競賽成敗知覺與歸因方向為影響運動員動機之主要因素,未來研究者可再探索更多影響成敗歸因的人格與社會因素進行歸因研究。
The purpose of this study was to examine the influences of objective and subjective success and failure on causal attributions. This study recruited 163 intercollegiate athletes (males=94; females=69) with mean age of 21.43(± 3.16), who competed in 2002 Intercollegiate Sports Event. Participants completed demographic data questionnaire, Causal Dimension Scale II (CDS-II; McAuley, Duncan, & Russell), and reported their subjective and objective competition outcome the Statistical analyses found that 1) there was a significant difference between objective success or failure and subjective success or failure (x^2=45.101); 2) there’s no difference of causal attribution on the subscales of locus of control, internal control, and external control between objective success and objective failure. However, on the subscale of stability, there’s a significant difference between objective success and objective failure. And the succeed ones attributed more to stability than the failed ones; 3) there’s no difference of causal attribution on the subscales of locus of control, internal control, and external control between subjective success and subjective failure. However, on the subscale of stability, there’s a difference between subjective success and subjective failure. And the succeed ones attributed more to stability than the failed ones. Thus, this study concluded that both perceived success or failure and causal attributions might be the major factors that influence athletes’ attribution and motivation. Moreover, it’s suggested that researchers should explore more about personality and social factors of causal attributions.