目的:本研究進行中文版健身運動認定量表(Exercise Identity Scale, EIS)之建構效度檢驗及關係驗證。方法:在研究一中,以141名健身運動者(32.2±8.7歲)爲對象,進行中文版健身運動量表之驗證性因素分析;研究二選取75名40-65歲之中高齡健身運動參與者(48.2±5.2歲),施測健身運動認定量表及健身運動承諾量表,以Pearson積差相關檢驗各變項之間的相關;研究三包含106位長青育樂中心之成員(65.9±5.6歲),施測健身運動認定問卷、休閒時間健身運動問卷及健身運動熱情量表,而後以階層迴歸分析檢驗健身運動認定對不同型態健身運動參與熱情的預測力。結果:9個題項、單一構面之中文版健身運動認定量表具有良好之結構適配性;中高齡者之健身運動認定與想要承諾和三種承諾來源(滿意、個人投資及社會支持)呈顯著正相關,此外還能有效預測調和式熱情。結論:本研究提供了中文版健身運動量表建構效度之初步證據,未來研究可從健身運動認定的角度出發,藉以發展出更有效之健身運動促進計畫。
Purpose: The purpose of this article was to examine the construct validity of the Chinese version of Exercise Identity Scale. Methods: In Study 1, confirmatory factor analysis were conducted using 141 exercisers (32.2±8.7 yrs) to clarify the factor structure of Exercise Identity Scale. The second study examined the relationship between exercise identity and exercise commitment in a sample of 75 middle-aged and older adults (48.2±5.2 yrs). Finally, in the third study, 106 older adults (65.9±5.6 yrs) completed the Exercise Identity Scale, the Leisure-Time Exercise Questionnaire, and the Exercise Passion Scale. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to examine the effects of exercise identity upon the change between two types of passion and exercise behavior. Results: The Chinese version of Exercise Identity Scale, consisting of 9 items and a single-factor, was confirmed with adequate reliability and validity. Exercise identity in middle-aged and older adults was positively associated with Want to Commit and three sources of exercise commitment, i.e. Satisfaction, Personal investment, and Social support. Moreover, exercise identity explained a significant proportion of variances in Harmonious Exercise Passion. Conclusion: The preliminary results of this research demonstrated that the Chinese version of Exercise Identity Scale has sound psychometric properties. From the health promotion standpoint, enhancing exercise identity might be an influential and effective intervention approach for both the middle-aged and older population.