許多研究顯示,運動心理技巧不論在競賽或練習時都扮演重要角色,然而練習時的運動心理技巧使用和評估,卻一直被研究所忽略。本研究的目的即在於檢驗中文版運動表現策略量表(Test of Performance Strategies, TOPS)之構念效度。研究一先以驗證性因素分析檢驗中文版TOPS的因素結構,樣本為207位大專運動員;研究二中,193位大專運動員於大專運動會比賽期間,填寫TOPS、運動員因應技能量表及競賽焦慮量表,而後以Pearson積差相關及t檢定進行效度檢驗。經過部分修正後,驗證性因素分析部分確認了競賽版和練習版TOPS的因素效度。TOPS、ACSI-28和SAS各分量表之間的相關亦符合理論預期;此外,差異分析發現甲、乙組選手在TOPS所有分量表之分數均有顯著差異。整體而言,本研究提供中文版TOPS的初步效度證據,但驗證性因素分析結果顯示部分題項仍待進一步修正。未來研究除了需針對練習版TOPS的效度和實用性做更進一步之檢驗,TOPS與其他運動心理技巧相關概念之間的關聯性也值得持續研究。
Considerable research evidence illustrates the role of sports psychological skills as determinants of sports performance in both practice and competition. However, the need for the use and evaluation of psychological skills had been comparatively neglected. The aim of the present study was to examine the construct validity of the Chinese version Test of Performance Strategies (TOPS). In study 1, confirmatory factor analysis was used to examine the factorial structure of the initial Chinese version TOPS using 207 college student-athletes. In study 2, 193 college student-athletes completed the TOPS (competition items), the Athletic Coping Skills Inventory-28 (ACSI-28) and the Sport Anxiety Scale (SAS) during National Intercollegiate Athletic Games. Analyses include Pearson's correlation and t-test. The factorial validity of both competition and practice items of the TOPS was confirmed with partial modification. The associations among constructs of TOPS, ACSI-28 and SAS were in line with the theoretic perspective. Besides, discriminant analysis demonstrated significant differences in all TOPS subscales between Division I athletes and Division II athletes. In conclusion, we have presented preliminary validity of the Chinese version TOPS. Future research is still needed to examine the validity and useablility practice items of TOPS. Furthermore, the link between TOPS and other psychological skills-related constructs is worthy of continued investigation.