止觀最簡單的界定是:『對當下保持注意和覺察,而不做評斷與反應的態度』。但是它的內涵不止於此,它是東方禪學的修行方法,在美國Massachusetts大學Jon Kabat-Zinn教授推廣下,許多研究者也投入各式各樣的理論驗證研究和實用效果測試。在體育運動情境,研究人員透過質性、實驗法、關聯性研究、和系統性回顧檢驗它的理論和測試它的效果。本文除報告它在體育運動情境的研究並評論外,也提出若干原則,說明如何教導選手因應比賽或訓練壓力,保持專注和放鬆。希望這篇文章能引起讓體育與運動專業人士瞭解止觀心理訓練和應用它。
Mindfulness is defined as “paying attention and awareness to the present moment with a non-judgemental and non-reactive attitude (Kabat-Zinn, 2005).” But its meaning is more than that. Mindfulness is an oriental mental practice of Zen. After Professor Jon Kabat-Zinn of the University of Massachusetts introduces this concept to the western many researchers have proposed different theories or empirical studies to examine it. In sport and physical education domains researchers adopt qualitative, experimental, correlational, and systematic research to examine its applicability. In addition to research review, this paper discusses the principles of mindfulness training, and proposes several examples to teach athletes maintaining focus, relaxed, and reducing stress during competition and training. By doing so we hope this paper inspires professionals in sport and physical education domains to understand and apply the mindfulness training.